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Everything posted by mommasmuffins47

  1. mommasmuffins47

    This is some bull

    So about 2 weeks ago me and my clan made a camp on a server, the server being us 881. We ended up making this our home server and setting up shop. We made a secure camp inside the industrial building in stary sobor. About two days later, we started to notice our gear going missing and I discovered that a few guys had been stealing our gear. We moved camp and all our gear, found a tractor and got lots of food. The gear we had included many m4a1 CCO SD and a L-85(which can no longer be looted). I haven't been on in a week and texted my friend asking about the camp and the server and guess what....... IT WASN'T THERE!!!
  2. So get this, me and my buddy both ended up getting the hero skin. I had to disconnect for about five minutes, and upon returning to chernarus we found that our hero skins had fallen from our bodies, and were in the same position we had left as our hero skins. upon searching these we found that the glitch had duped all of our gear. now we have five things of antibiotics and nothing to do with them. I am looking for something in the range of snipers and military assault rifles, and or ghillie suits. But if someone did want to trade a vehicle i would be fine with that. here is a list of things that are acceptable for trade: M4A1 CCO SD M4A1 M4A1 CCO M4A1 HOLO M4A3 CCO M-16A2 M-16A2 M203 M-16A4 ACOG M-249 SAW MK.28 LMG M-240 bravo M-107 AS-50 DMR M-14 AIM SVD camo PDW ghillie suit Any of these would be acceptable, i am looking to get rid of all the antibiotics, PM me if you have any questions.
  3. mommasmuffins47

    Trade 870 for anything

    I have a spare Remington 870 in my pack and was wondering if anyone wanted to trade. i will accept almost anything in return, but what i'm mostly looking for is food and water. i don't need much but i need to get rid of it, it comes with 3 full mags.
  4. mommasmuffins47

    Trading antibiotics for middle-high class rifle or ghillie suit

    wow really, i have weapons and stuff, this is trading forum if you don't like it don't post here.
  5. mommasmuffins47

    Trading antibiotics for middle-high class rifle or ghillie suit

    how many antibiotics were you looking for?