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Dahl (DayZ)

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About Dahl (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Dahl (DayZ)

    The Day my balls went wild (M Rated)

    Ever thought of the fact that when you shoot, you give away your approximate position?
  2. Dahl (DayZ)

    Experienced player Iooking for a team!

    Yo, I'm pretty experienced too (more than 3 months of gameplay) and I'm 17 years old. I play with a bunch a guy and his friends (not atm, since his pc needs fixing so right now I'm alone lol). If you feel like teaming up add me on steam (though I would prefer to use TS, but it doesn't really matter that much). Steam: 7homsen
  3. Dahl (DayZ)

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age : 17 Dayz/Fps Experience : Been playing DayZ for about 3 months. I'm all around: I can snipe, spot etc. I'm good at driving and I'm a very good helicopter pilot (I've never crashed, and I've flown a lot). I've been playing several FPS games for several years, I started of in the first call of duties, where I've been in tactical clans. Why do you want to join? : I'm looking for a tactical clan that is active. This clan looks like it's one of those, therefore i find it a good choice. Where are you from? : Denmark How often do you play? : Often, nearly every day.