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About Wex

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. So hacker tp'd my clan to mid air and I alt + F4 just in time... Well... I tought so... When I joined to empty server to get myself up, i spawned in empty land that you can see in game lobby. No way out. Rip 22 euros
  2. FIrst of all I saw a invisible guy called "Bullets Not My Favourite" at NW Airfield. (Nametags enabled server) I tried to sneak behind him but he was invisible. I went back to my sniping position and then he shot me with AS 50. I got it all on tape but I need to edit it first. (Its 2 hours clip right now) Just wanted to warn you guys about him. - Wex
  3. Wex

    Devil Dog's Armory

  4. So we just lost best member of our group because he got global banned for server hopping O_o PM me or add me on Skype: paska.nimi If you are under geared we can give you some stuff from our camp. Our time zone is GTM +2 and we live if Finland. When adding on Skype or sending PM, PLEASE tell us your age. Mic is requirement! (First shoot, then ask)
  5. Hello, added you on Steam and I'm from Finland too.
  6. Hello! I just need some1 casual player to play with and also need a bloodbag. (I'm on really low blood atm.) I'm at airfield trying to find food :D