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Everything posted by Vegas3t

  1. There's only one admin on the server, and that's me. You're all pathetic for trying to take it this far. You're out for blood for something over a video game. In one of your posts you said it wasn't personal, but if it wasn't personal, why is this still even being discussed? Ban me, I'll buy another account. Already have two. I love DayZ. Take my money.
  2. So, I recently just bought another copy of combined ops to help out my friends who would be starting fresh. Both of my accounts are legit combined ops, 2 seperate gaming computers, same internet. My issue is... I logged in on the new account, spawned on the beach, walked around a little bit, logged out, switched accounts to play my main, and it's still logging in as the new account's spawn. I've tried logging in on both accounts on different computers, and it only loads the new account, and when connecting with my old character, i get CD Key is in use. Could this be a registry issue? I don't know what to do to fix/resolve it.
  3. So.. I've noticed a certain track that plays whenever I'm in the vicinity of another player. It could be sheer coincidence, but honestly, it's happened way too many times. The sound can only be described a sudden horn sound that lasts around 1-2 seconds. Has anyone else noticed this? After I started experimenting with my squad, they all agree with me. Are we just super lucky with timing and positioning, or is this actually a thing?
  4. Vegas3t

    DayZ Soundtrack.. Player Noise?

    Shameless bump for a serious question.
  5. Vegas3t

    DayZ Soundtrack.. Player Noise?

    I was looking, but I couldn't find any, and didn't want to sit through 20 minutes videos waiting, lol.
  6. So I was in Devil's Castle this morning, banditing it up, being one of those guys that you hate because we have nothing better to do then wait for some unfortunate guy to walk into our trap while watching netflix - and, I came across an individual who raised some questions. This individuals name was "Pat" and after I killed him the first time, I heard another person approaching 3-5 minutes later, and killed him. I noticed his name was "Pat" as well. Another 3-5 minutes pass and this guy appears again, and dies again. I noticed that it was the same loot in all 3 bodies, exactly, so I was wondering if there was a player character file dupe going on or something?