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JimBob (DayZ)

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About JimBob (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. JimBob (DayZ)

    Stuck at 'Wait for Host' loading screen

    This is happening to me too. Every server I try to join I get stuck at "Wait for host", Only happening since I installed the latest beta patch and EDIT - I reverted back to beta patch 94876 and am able to join servers now. To do this delete the beta folder located in c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\expansion download the 94876 patch from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ and install it, Worked for me as a temporary fix anyways
  2. JimBob (DayZ)

    I feel sorry for the hackers

    you ever think that maybe he had a vehicle?
  3. JimBob (DayZ)

    So, Tents removed? Alternatives?

    Tents haven't been removed... are you talking about the thread that says all tents OFF THE MAP have been removed? I just placed a tent yesterday. Regards, JimBob
  4. JimBob (DayZ)

    Vehicle and tent inventory wiping

    What I've found is that when you first set up a tent any items in it will disappear after the first server restart, after that you can place items in the tent and they stay there. I've been doing this for a while and after the first server restart when you set up a tent, the tent works as it should. Not sure about the vehicle problem though. Regards, JimBob
  5. JimBob (DayZ)

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    Haha, it's getting to the point where people just dc when they meet someone. Happened to me a few times where i run past someone that's in a building and they see me then i go in to see if i can talk to them or kill them and they dc with not even a shot fired.
  6. JimBob (DayZ)

    Dayz - Grand Massacre

    You sound like you just smoked a shit-load of crack
  7. JimBob (DayZ)

    Never Trust Anyone

    I met two guys running through electro kiting a bunch of zombies. I found one guy and ran towards him trying to kill him with the ten zombies that were behind me. Afterwards they decided to trust me cause i had no gun and was being nice. I ran off and found a double barrel with 2 shells and this is what ensued when i got back to them. Also, I already know I'm an asshole for this, but I just don't care.
  8. JimBob (DayZ)

    Spawned in land?

    happened to me once, died and respawned in a house in stary sobor.
  9. JimBob (DayZ)

    recording software

    Thank you for all the feed back guys, I'll try some of the suggestions here. Regards, JimBob
  10. JimBob (DayZ)

    recording software

    Hey guys, I'm looking to start recording my own videos and was wondering what programs you guys use. I tried fraps and bandi and both limit the time you can record if you don't buy it. Any suggestions for a good free recording program? Regards, JimBob
  11. JimBob (DayZ)

    Tent disappeared

    same problem here, all the tents I set up are gone.
  12. JimBob (DayZ)

    Where are all the vehicles????

    Can you hide vehicles (and tents) off the map, will they save there?
  13. JimBob (DayZ)

    [Video] Direct Chat + Music = WIN AHAHAHAHAHAHA

    how the hell did you get inside that tent?
  14. JimBob (DayZ)

    Storing gear

    yes a bus has aprox. 50 item slots, move around the bus till the "gear" option appears in your scroll menu and hit enter.
  15. JimBob (DayZ)

    Zero'ing doesn't work sometimes

    Should work for cz550 dmr has no zeroing and some servers have the rangefinder diabled with scroll wheel, you have to go find one.