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Everything posted by Morgosin

  1. Hello everyone, I've decided to compile a list of things that my friends and I have put together on things to better improve the game. Food and Drink Its great that there has been an attempt to increase the need for food and drink but constantly being harassed by your character that they are hungry or thirsty every 10-20 mins, just is not realistic. You do not need a meal 30 times a day to stay alive. Also that eating a full can of spaghetti if you were starving would make the person almost sick from to much consumption. So you would not need to eat 2 or more cans of food to satisfy yourself. Scopes and other uses for them. I think it would be a great idea if you could put a powerful scope in your hand and use it like binoculars. It would make picking them up worth while until you found a gun that can use it. Maybe even if you had a badly damaged scope you could remove the lens to make a magnifying glass, and start a fire. Transportation Bicycles - I hope that once they are implemented (Hopefully soon) that they will not be ridiculous like they were in the mod, going upwards of 120 down hills. I can see 60 on a very steep hill but nothing more then 25-30 on the road. Skateboards- This seems to be an odd request but, one of the most common things to find in European countries, and can be heavily customized. I think it would be a great addition to the game to be able to get your hands on one of these very useful items. for nothing less then being able to use it as firewood if need be. (perhaps on a winter map like Namalsk, if we ever get it) Cars and Trucks- Once these are implemented I hope that they will take time and effort to fix them up. I remember the early days of the mod spending hours searching a city for just the right part. Only to have someone shoot out the tires. I liked that aspect of the game. Made the care more meaningful to you, and you would protect it with your life. Helicopters- Probably the holy grail of vehicles in the mod. BUT! also far to easy to get running in the currant version. I think to be able to even see if a chopper is safe to fly, you have to find the manual in a hanger or something. and make the parts only accessible in military hangers and sheds. It only makes sense, how would and average joe survivor know how to fix/ fly a helicopter. Hunting and Fishing I've read that there is supposed to be deer and other wildlife in the game, and have yet to find any. But I'd love to see a way to track deer and other things, like actual hunting. As for fishing I wish to see something more then a fishing pole, but maybe a fishing net or craw fish traps, maybe even lobster cages. Farming I don't know if this would be possible if at all with how the server and database is set up. But if I were in a zombie apocalypse I would in no way be near a city, I would be out in the woods with a small cabin a garden, and a few livestock. Maybe implement a lead or use of rope to gather cattle or even deer to your home and be able to breed and eat them when necessary. AI bandits- Not a lot of these but some. Give an incentive to have a common enemy other then players. Yes there will always be player bandits. But if the game itself had some bandits with good loot and things. I believe it would make the game much more intense and unpredictable. They could be anything from patrolling ai in the streets of cherno, to a random camp out in the middle of the woods (2 tents a fire and a bench). make them a threat and have animation and situation hitches to track a players actions. to have real hold ups and killings. Vocal commands fallowed by a check in the code to see if target player has complied. IE, Bandit-"Drop your weapons All of them!" Game checks to see if player has droped weapons after 30 seconds. If not it warns again, Bandit-"I said drop the weapons! You have 5 seconds" if it doesn't comply player is shot, not killed but shot. If the Player does drop the weapons. bandits can tell another command. Bandit-"Get down in the Surrender position, And you won't be shot!" bandits, handcuff and steal random items form player prioritizing ammo and food. If I were suggest a group of people to help with this. The epoch guys have done an amazing job on the mod giving it a more natural survival scenario. be it the vendors, or building.
  2. I WOULD PAY DOUBLE!!!! They should so put that in. just for an easter egg type thing. 1 per 100 servers or something