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Grimlock (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Grimlock (DayZ)

  1. Name: Jay Age: 17 Skype and/or TeamSpeak Names: Skype JayLock- Mic?: yes Experience in game: About a month Timezone: GMT/UTC -7 Bio: I am overall good player very stealthy can provide great support great scout/sniper and pretty much everything in between In game Name: Grimlock
  2. If you use Dayz Commander add me its Grimlock or skype Jaylock- id be glad to join you guys
  3. Im currently looking for 2-3 guys to make a group to play lingor with if interested add me on skype Jaylock-
  4. Age: 16 Ign: Grimlock Skype?: JayLock Do you have a mic?: Yeah what can you bring to the squad?: Excellent sniper great tactical awareness and overall good navigator can make great loot plans ect...
  5. Grimlock (DayZ)

    Looking for more players to join our group.

    Sounds like you have something good going on and i would like to join but the thing is i got killed by a hacker in cherno so i quit it and got on lingor so i dont have much on cherno if thats a problem..
  6. Grimlock (DayZ)

    New to DayZ and need partner!

    Might I be able to join you guys on this little entourage?