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About Hangalf

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  1. Well when are you going to answer my application to join!?
  2. I think you are right in some way.. Although maturity isn't defined by age it might be a factor, and i think the best way to make sure you don't get a bunch of 13, year olds whit the mindset of 5 year olds, is simply to make a minimum age requirement.
  3. Location: Danmark +1GMT Age: 16 Steam username: Casp4431 Where did you hear about us? Some friends and i have been playing on a bunch of server and ons i heard a couple of strangers talk about your server so i figured i would try to join in.. How often do you play video games? I'm going to be a really active member of your group. I have a lot of time to kill so i play like 5 or 6 hours aday. What kind of games do you most enjoy playing? Well i like a wide verity of game-genres so it more or less up to the single game.... What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance? I expect some good long hours of gaming with a bunch of great people. What made you choose this community over any other organized community? Well i seems more organized that the others Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave? Well i have been playing in a couple of groups but not any big clan like this in dayz I have been playing i a rather large corporation in EvE online it slowly got inactive so i left and i have been playing in one of the bigger minecraft communities. What other kinds of hobbies do you have? Role-playing.. Anything else you'd like us to know? Nope not really. Any questions? Yea i have one. Do you protect Cherno at all cost or is it like only ons in a while you secure it?
  4. Hangalf

    Faction server need more people!

    you are welcome we are atm testing the new map but tomorrow around noon i think the normal server will be up again so you are welcome... I'll send the password to you right away Edit: you don't need the password to access the testing of the new map..
  5. Hangalf

    Faction server need more people!

    Any time m8 xD I'll just send you the password!
  6. Yes it do give a hell and a lot of abuse potential.... An admin should be at the same level as other players whit only tools to ban or kick players who hack or cheat. if you ask me....
  7. Hangalf

    Servers with regular restarts?

    We have a private server how restarts 1 time aday private and whit password so you won't get killed by a hacker or scum like that.
  8. Hangalf

    I need a stable dedicated server

    These servers that you are talking about are often private and aren't connected to the official server hives. And the official server don't have any password so your stuff won't be safe... If you wan't a more secure server you could switch to a private server...
  9. Hangalf

    LF Server W/ Global Chat

    If you wan't to try out a private server could you try our. Go put a application on our tread. =D But why do you wan't a global chat?!
  10. Hangalf

    us 2971 deleted all my gear

    Well iv had the same problem a couple of times and it is most often the unofficial servers who is on the same hive as the official. So thats why i have started playing on a private servers whit a password to avoid hackers cause iv got nuked 3 times in a day...
  11. Hangalf

    A Lone Wolf in search of a pack

    Well if you guys wan't a clan server to play on you could join Surviver of apocalypse which a couple of my friends and i just stated.....
  12. Hangalf

    Forming a new clan/group

    Hello there iv just started a clan server and i think it would be a good place to start you clan if you are interested?....
  13. Hangalf

    Faction server need more people!

    Well sounds fair enough. You are in hope you enjoy! and ill look forward to see you guys online..
  14. We need more people!!! Hello we are a couple of guys who just started a faction server in the map Lingore Island and we simpley need more people This includes other faction and (a few) bandits. There is password on the server cause we got tired of hackers So if you wan't to get in submit your (or your clans) reason and ill answer it the fasted i can. IP: L.L.O.D.H Hangalf