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About [email protected]

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  1. I can comment on what I observe for your current track record, it's not my fault that this thread is full of very clearly angry people. And I totally can comment on my personal experiences with your service. I did not leave on good terms, it ended with a paypal dispute, and your final e-mail just said one word: "Entitled". I'm fully aware of DayZ hosting not being an easy gig, but other companies handle it fine by just treating their customers like customers. For example, DayZ.st has encountered a number of serious issues since I've been with them, but they've managed to keep me as a happy customer simply by providing information and not treating customers with problems as insignificant or "entitled". I'll continue posting as I see fit, and hopefully it'll help inform your potential future customers about the experience.
  2. I'm a former customer that left after a series of terrible experiences with your services and support. People can search this thread to see that. It's useful for prospective customers to see how current and former customers like your services so that they can make educated purchases.
  3. You guys are like bad customer service wizards. Every single time I check this thread, someone is angry at you. It can only be witchcraft. I would also like to see where that 99.9% number comes from. Do you guys keep customer satisfaction metrics or something? Do you survey users on a regular basis? Also, like vinassol said, don't rely on the first few pages of the thread to guage how service with these guys is now. Read posts from the last couple months at the very least.
  4. Wow, so has it been forked or all of the code openly released into the wild? Considering how crucial Bliss is to most private servers, it'd be really weird if it didn't get picked up by some group.
  5. The custom map devs have to update their maps first. I'm really hoping that the .EU version will actually get updated since it sounds like they're going to be pulling support soon.
  6. There've only been issues for the past little while, and Ersan has openly stated the reasons and the steps that they're taking to make things better. If we're a month down the road from here and nothing has changed, then I'd say that's cause for concern. Considering the fact that the service up until this rough patch has been nothing short of stellar, they deserve a bit of wiggle room.
  7. Support for genders was added back into Taviana, so it could probably be added back in by the map developers (except for maybe Chernarus).
  8. I finally got replies last night, they suggested that I lower the interval between restarts to 6 hours. I've done that, but I'm not sure that it'll do anything since I've played after server restarts with no noticeable changes.
  9. Hey Ersan, I've sent you two e-mails so far requesting help with my server. I'm going on 48 hours without a reply. I understand you guys are under a heavy load at the moment, but this is getting silly. The ip is: Loot spawning is horribly slow and there have been serious lag spikes on and off with only a few players on the server. I've sent this to you in the form of an e-mail, private message, and now forum post with the hope that you'll actually answer. Please don't turn into SurvivalServers.
  10. Sorry, I was mostly cracking a bad joke in bad taste. I don't think you'd be capable of pulling off these attacks either.
  11. They've been getting DDoSed all weekend, I suspect managing that situation is pretty time consuming for them at the moment.