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Roshi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Roshi (DayZ)

  1. Roshi (DayZ)

    What about a "Doctors kit"? Use: Take Vitals

    As an add on - if you receive the wrong ABO blood type you should get messages like "I have a feeling of impending doom" - apparently this is the case with the onset of severe transfusion reactions such as intravascular haemolysis...
  2. Roshi (DayZ)

    Hot keys for flashlights, bipod...

    Sounds like one way to go, but I think Rocket said somewhere they weren't so keen on too many set keys to simplify the controls (could be wrong though). Hot keys give you flexibility to set it up as you want.
  3. Roshi (DayZ)

    will we ever get ballistic chest armor?

    Think it's safe to say this is in the pipes...
  4. Roshi (DayZ)

    Two hands

    Yeah no qualms with that.
  5. Roshi (DayZ)

    How does saline give blood?

    When you have significant circulating volume depletion (e.g. from bleeding) you need to get fluid back into the vessels to allow the heart to continue to pump blood. IV saline dilutes the blood so that you have relatively less red blood cells and therefore haemoglobin, but allows you to at least perfuse your tissues. Your spleen has a store of RBCs that it can release to compensate, and over a longer time more RBCs are made by the bone marrow to replace lost cells (one of the reasons nutrition is important - this process needs fuel). Saline is a crystalloid infusion so tends to spread evenly to all body compartments (whereas blood products or colloid solutions tend to stay in the blood vessels) so is temporary from that point of view. If you lose blood there is actually what is called an 'internal transfusion' where fluid from the tissues is drawn into the circulation along an osmotic gradient, but this takes time. There are a bunch of other crystalloid and colloid solutions that can be used to keep up your circulating volume ('blood' in the DayZ context), but 'normal' saline (i.e. osmotically similar to blood) is pretty commonly used (although better for rehydrating after severe vomitting - isotonic dextrose and saline is better for replacing most other non-bleeding losses (e.g. severe diarrhoea), and Plasmalyte is ideal for maintenance). Sorry - I know that's a bit full on but should answer the OPs question.
  6. Roshi (DayZ)

    Should beards be in DayZ?

    Absolutely. Be able to cut back to stubble with a knife (or clean shave with a razor for the pretty boys). Beards would be great as a way of suggesting how long a (male) character has been in game (hairy legs and armpits for the girls?)...
  7. Roshi (DayZ)

    Ideas for dayz: SAFE ZONES and ROAMING HORDES

    Roaming hordes yep. Safe zones no.
  8. Force your character to be bound to a single server.
  9. Roshi (DayZ)

    SUGGESTION: Bigfoot in remote woodlands.

    Nah man. Not down with this. If anything, wolves and bears (and hordes).
  10. Roshi (DayZ)

    Feedback: Melee.

    I was attacked by a guy using his fists. I had a knife and got him a good 2-3 times before he landed a single shot on my jaw and KO'd (then killed me). I reckon some balancing certainly needs to be done between weapons and also between weapons and unarmed. Also, doesnt seem that you can knock zeds down with blunt weapons like you can with your fists if you land a head shot - would make sense if you could (and with more effect!). Addition of a block or kick/shove back would be sweet although I know setting controls is an issue.
  11. Roshi (DayZ)


    Would be good to model food based on simple stuff like calories and protein content. That way you could address how much energy you burn (calories) as well as nitrogen balance (protein). As survivors run around the world, they are burning a lot more fuel than your average sedentary computer-jockey. Therefore caloric intake needs to be increased. If you are suffering from infection, calorie use also increases (despite reduced appetite). Also, when you have an injury, you start using up amino acids at a faster rate, leading to negative nitrogen balance unless you increase the protein intake. With hunting, a lot of game animals are very lean - ie high protein content by less calories from fats and carbohydrates - so hunted meat would be high in protein and low in carbs (generally). Converting protein to glucose (via gluconeogenesis) is an inefficient process. Would be great to see undernourished survivors moving slower, having visual disturbances (low glucose), healing more slowly or even looking skinnier/more gaunt. Add a bit more "Player vs physiology" to the classic PvE and PvP elements! PS vitamins should do nothing unless you are malnourished - in IRL all they do if you are eating well is increase your cardiac risk by the same amount as passive smoking!
  12. As per mod discussion thread (not sure where to post suggestions for standalone)... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159356-hot-keys-for-flashlights-bipod/
  13. Roshi (DayZ)

    What about a "Doctors kit"? Use: Take Vitals

    I reckon in the spirit of authenticity should go one step further to push for emergent self-specialisation as a medic: - take a pulse (need a watch for accuracy?). - kit with sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) and stethescope - get blood pressure. - thermometer - for body temp With these 3 bits of kit you could simulate some interesting critical illness scenarios - e.g. hypovolaemic shock (e.g. from severe bleeding), septic shock (from uncontrolled infection). In shock, you generally get increased heart rate (tachycardia) and decreased blood pressure (hypotension). Sepsis could give you an elevated body temp. Can use these (plus a other evidence such as active bleeding, grey-clammy appearance, having seen your buddy get shot or cut etc) to determine the correct management - e.g. compress wound (then bandage, suture and/or irrigate), increase circulating volume with IV fluids (saline or even blood products), increase peripheral resistance (and thereby improving blood pressure) with adrenaline (although this is generally short acting), give prophylactic antibiotics (there should be the ability to mix up or find IV antibiotics). CPR would be good too - check pulse - no pulse - initiate CPR. Check airway, breathing and so on. Could be good to get some teamwork for medical emergencies in game. Actually there is a bunch of stuff you could do to make DayZ have a semi-realistic and challenging, but manageable medical system. Forcing a medic to carry a larger quantity of medical kit to be able to deal with a wider range of problems would be another way to foster teamwork too. This would also force self-styled medics to actually learn a little basic life support to be effective - great for next time you come across a cardiac arrest IRL :).
  14. Roshi (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Day Glee!!
  15. Roshi (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Kayaks... :) EDIT: PS that's just a suggestion....
  16. Roshi (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 4th February 2013

    Really cool... amazing work. Hope there are some animations around clothes on an off - not to fancy but just not instant (like the other *cough* game we do not mention) - perhaps still work in progress. Totally off topic - but in an interview somewhere Rocket mentioned that they had previously used the BI mo cap studio to capture a horse - bring it in to SA!!!
  17. Roshi (DayZ)

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    Does this mean we can kill zeds with Propofol now? EDIT: Too soon?
  18. Roshi (DayZ)

    Headband light and flickering torchlight...

    Yep headlamps have been suggested a few times, but would be awesome
  19. Roshi (DayZ)

    Vaulting and Climbing aspects

    Jumping mechanics have been discussed before. A couple of existing mods with added movement features have been discussed - on included some great features like wall-vaulting. Would love to see a few more movement features added, but mostly some of the clunky transitions sorted out - although I'm sure this is on the cards...
  20. Roshi (DayZ)


    This was suggested way back when but it is a great idea. I reckon shaving should be a hunting knife affair and leave you with some craggly stubble. No need for Gillette disposables with six blades and a lotion dispensor. I think a system of easily identifying bambis from grizzled mountain-men survivors would be awesome - long-lifers should also be a bit leaner and gaunter given the ultramarathons people are running every day and the reduced caloric intake... While these ideas seem a bit superficial at face value, I think they add quite a lot in terms of subtle gameplay (being able to judge another player rapidly in a natural way).
  21. Roshi (DayZ)

    DayZ- Blood Types

    Interesting thought, but I don't think this would fly. Firstly all blood bags should be removed anyway (and maybe replaced with saline) as blood products would expire very quickly without appropriate freezing/refrigeration. Secondly, you are correct that type O (negative) is a universal donor bag that (first point not withstanding) can be essentially given to anyone (although occasional reactions with mismatch of other blood typing systems (e.g. Kell, Duffy, etc). There are usually emergency units in hospitals of O neg. which can be given to anyone if blood-typing would take too long - we could assume that the blood bags in the Arma II are these units.
  22. Roshi (DayZ)

    More "Tools

    Yeah - the idea of some limitation of the amount of tools you can carry for the number (greatly expanded from the current set) of tools available would be a great way to induce grass roots specialisation. It would also force lone wolves to become generalists or specialise at the risk of not being able to do certain activities. I think the medical system needs significant work (particularly with regards to blood bags and instant heals- http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/110399-medical-system-overhail/page__hl__overhail) but would certainly benefit from some new gadgets as long as they were realistic and useful
  23. Roshi (DayZ)

    More animations?

    Yep has been suggested but keep applying the pressure - would be awesome...
  24. Roshi (DayZ)

    heat stroke!

    Although there isn't any strong connection between being cold and getting a cold. Despite what your mother tells you. I'd be more worried about hypothermia...