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Roshi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Roshi (DayZ)

  1. Roshi (DayZ)

    Scavenging in junk piles.

    So some items could spawn in piles of junk - low end stuff such as clothing and tinned food - perhaps in less than pristine condition. As more rubbish is strewn around the map for visual effect, might be good to give it a function.
  2. Roshi (DayZ)

    Scavenging in junk piles.

  3. Roshi (DayZ)

    Survival game ... a survival timer ?

    Not an original idea but a good one none the less...
  4. Roshi (DayZ)

    Taser Sniper Rifle

    No thanks.
  5. Roshi (DayZ)

    Random event: Ambulance

    Thought this would be a nice touch. Randomly spawning ambulance crash with predominantly medical supplies.
  6. Great idea although I think a Lada with a car alarm would be one of the funniest things imaginable...
  7. Roshi (DayZ)

    Bandit/Hero Indicator

  8. Roshi (DayZ)

    Random event: Ambulance

    Ta :)
  9. Roshi (DayZ)

    Steam Achievements concept

    This is the wrong game for achievements
  10. Roshi (DayZ)

    Make doors always open away from you

    I would like a door opening animation that locks you to the door for the short period of time needed to open the door, similar to climbing a ladder. I would see this working in a way where your character doesn't get physically moved by the opening door. Also: - You should be able to cancel the animation by pressing a movement key. - You should be able to open a door with a weapon (whether melee or firearm) raised or lowered. - Kicking or shooting a door open would also be nice touches, especially if they enable door locking.
  11. Roshi (DayZ)

    Advanced medical system

    *cough* http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161763-medical-system-for-dayz-part-1-–-self-treatment-of-wounds/ http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161874-medical-system-for-dayz-part-2-emergency-care-for-other-players/
  12. Roshi (DayZ)

    Altis (and Stratis)...

    Hi there - have done the due diligence of using the search function and (although this seems like an obvious suggestion from my perspective) couldn't see reference to this idea so: At some point in development, port Altis (and maybe Stratis) over from ARMA 3. Think that these maps, particularly Altis, would make for an awesome environment for DayZ. Thats my 0.02.
  13. Main idea: a medical screen (similar to the inventory screen) for an unconscious or immobile player. To activate this you would come up close to the injured player and activate a context menu command such as “Initiate medical treatment”. This could be used in the context of an emergency, or to treat non-emergency wounds. This would open a screen similar to the inventory screen: (Please note that this is a rough mock-up and is basically to give you an idea of what I mean – obviously just an adjusted inventory). You would have several options, and if the player is bleeding, pulseless or not breathing then the timeliness and order of the interventions would matter. Assessment options could include checking vitals – airway, breathing and pulse. Also blood pressure could be taken with a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope, and temperature could be assessed with a thermometer (e.g. for sepsis). The results of the most recent check could display in boxes (e.g. in the left side of the screen as shown above). In terms of intervention, to maintain playability I suggest these be a little limited whilst allowing for a variety of relevant options to keep some depth. So I would suggest some options: - Initiate CPR – essential if you can’t find a pulse - Bag mask (if not breathing – if have a bag mask) or mouth-to-mouth - Insert artificial airway (not intubating probably, but rather a Guedel which just maintains the airway and keeps the tongue out of the way. - Insert IV – could perhaps have up to two lines in to allow faster fluid resuscitation or fluid resuscitation and injection of IV drugs. - Disinfect skin – you may want to do this prior to inserting IVs to reduce the chance of later infection. - Test blood type - Give blood products or saline - Use adrenaline – could possibly include IV adrenaline but for simplicity could use epipen. - Use morphine – morphine decreases cardiac output but effectively reduces pain. - Use IV antibiotics – prophylactic or to start treating sepsis. - Remove clothing item(s) – this would require surgical scissors or a knife, and would badly damage or destroy the clothing item, but if the patient is in dire straits and speed is of the essence then this would be a good option. The purpose is to perform a ‘secondary survey’ – i.e. to find any other wounds that have been missed, or to access injuries for treatment. You may need to remove a gas mask for example to access/assess the airway, or vests, shirts and trousers to find wounds or get IV access. - Compress wound - Irrigate wound – with saline preferably, but water at a pinch (if not sterile then increased risk of infection) - Debride wound/remove foreign bodies - Suture wound - Use defibrillator – AEDs automatically check the ECG and recommend shock or no shock – this would be easy to emulate. This would cover a lot of the likely scenarios you would need to deal with in DayZ. A lot of this could be implemented by the drag and click context menu set up mentioned in part one – self-treatment. It would also be great if a second player could assist in an emergency – e.g. “Assist medical treatment” on the context menu. This assistant could perform assessments or interventions and this could be co-ordinated in direct chat. All this would require a few new items: - Scissors - Suture kit (or needle and thread) - Scalpel (which could be included in a suture kit) - Bag-mask - Artificial airway set - Thermometer - Some pre-set kits would be great (as per the current 6 slot medical kits so you would need to replace expendables) – you could have two or three different sized kits. Now I know this probably sounds a little complex to a lot of people, but it is a VERY simplified approach to trauma management and I think adds enough to make being a medic really interesting and would require a bit of basic knowledge. Would be a great way to do things like blood transfusions too. It could be made more complex – e.g. adding lactate and glucose dipsticks for testing blood levels of these substances, but I doubt that would be popular. Other options for the medical system: - Fireman’s lift and/or drag unconscious patient option (which has been implemented in Arma II in the past). - Stretcher – which would be difficult to implement. For Part 1: Self-management of wounds: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/161763-medical-system-for-dayz-part-1-%E2%80%93-self-treatment-of-wounds/
  14. Yeah for sure. That could fly...
  15. 1) Have male characters strip down to skin, females strip down to a sports bra. 2) Have the ability to put on thermal base layer that won't clip through other layers by essentially making them a skin on the player model rather than a new model. Similar for leggings. 3) Have this effect temperature regulation. Would add to the survivalism side of DayZ.
  16. Roshi (DayZ)

    Altis (and Stratis)...

    Yeah sure - certainly not suggesting it's a current priority. But I think that implementation of Altis should be developer led to do it properly. It is a very interesting map with lots of features that would make for a diverse playing experience.
  17. Roshi (DayZ)

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    Yep for sure!
  18. Roshi (DayZ)

    Inventory Slot Revamp

    Here ya go: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164736-inventory-space-same-capacity-but-4x-number-of-squares/
  19. Roshi (DayZ)


    Bergen would be great too...
  20. Roshi (DayZ)

    [poll] Please bring back the Burlap Gun Wrap!

    I'm for both Ghillie and Burlap weapon wraps.
  21. Roshi (DayZ)


    Beards! They need to be in.
  22. The idea is to have the backpack and other containers divided into smaller squares, allowing odd shaped items to be not just take up a larger rectangle, and to allow for really small items (e.g. batteries, keys) to take up less space than currently is the case. Also means that if you are stowing a firearm in your backpack then addons and magazines take up extra space around the weapon so you have the option to remove these and put them elsewhere in your inventory to allow more flexibility. Removing stocks (or folding stocks as suggested here by Tedyuotube: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/164282-suggest-an-item-thread/) would allow you more space also. EDIT: Note the ACOG scope, MAGPUL buttstock and can opener which I've mucked with to attempt to show what I mean. EDIT: Oh yeah - as someone suggested in a previous thread (sorry can't remember so can't give credit!) asymmetrical items should be rotatable through 90 degree intervals (like in tetris) to allow you to fit them in. PS apologies to the person who's image I have adjusted - just grabbed a random inventory screen of the web to modify.
  23. Roshi (DayZ)

    Uses for bone

    Kapai cuzzy ;)
  24. Roshi (DayZ)

    Weapon Sway!

    I'd like to ask (seeing as I'm not an avid shooter) how weapon weight would affect handling? Seeing as we are now in the era of lots of weapon attachments, and the early implementation of a weight system. I'd like to see this done in a nice authentic way.
  25. Roshi (DayZ)

    Pack covers

    Did the mandatory search and nothing similar came up so... Pack covers: - to keep the contents of backpacks dry. - allow the possibility of toning down the mountain pack. - a variety of colours: - and rarer camo variants.