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Roshi (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Roshi (DayZ)

  1. Roshi (DayZ)

    A simple, fun stat that all players should see

    Yeah I'm totally for this approach. If the body morphology could subtly change with nutritional status, use and abuse that would be an awesome addition. Also like the idea of scars from old injuries that was suggested somewhere.
  2. Roshi (DayZ)

    Turning DayZ into a real survival game

    I really like the imgur images for the mini-game for vehicle mechanics. That should definitely be implemented!
  3. Roshi (DayZ)

    NEW abandoned places in DAYZ!?

    I was thinking about this in the context of setting the edge of the map. A combination of natural barriers (rock faces etc) and a radiation zone with a damaged nuclear reactor visible off in the distance would be a plausible solution to the current rolling hills of nothing. Air vehicles might complicate this.
  4. One thing that should be integrated into the temperature, infection and physical capacity systems is nutrition. Poor nutrition reduces the ability to deal with extremes of temperature (especially cold - shivering is very metabolically expensive). Malnourished people are more susceptible to and more likely to die from infections. Healing requires increased caloric and protein intake (and body protein is mobilised and converted into glucose). The relationship between physical activity and nutrition is hopefully obvious.
  5. I have been thinking a fair bit about the stranded ship, and how it could become the site of an emergent (I love that concept) trade post or base if a decent sized group decided to inhabit it, and the game provided the the right tools. I am interested in this being emergent and player driven, not enforced with top down game rules. While I know lots of groups would use it as an exclusion zone for other people, I would love to see a trading centre of sorts (a la Fallout 2 or Stalker: Call of Pripyat) emerging in some servers. Why the ship? Already has a lot of useful spaces: and a clear area around so players can be seen approaching, and it is elevated so if you were on the top decks you would have an advantage in a fire fight: So what would be needed? I have a couple of ideas. First, assume that server hopping is fixed . It's a known issue so it's likely the devs want to sort this. Second, allow welding of metal to some existing (metal) structures, so that gaps can be filled. Thirdly, some form of constructable gate system (e.g. draw bridge, liftable shipping container (e.g. via forklift or crane) or even a modified school bus that could be driven forward back to act as a gate). Fourthly, lock boxes (for a trade centre) - at the entrance so that players entering to trade could relinquish their weapons to make an emergent safe zone - NOT a game-determined safe zone (a la WarZ). Fifth, I would love to see 'bar across door' type barricades - similar to this but metal brackets bolted or welded onto the ships metal door frames: These would allow effective barricading of some spaces but only work if you (or an ally) are within that space. This means that they can't be used purely for resource denial as seen with barbed wire and tank traps in the mod. Add in explosives like C4 or TNT and they can be blown open, although if there is a stash behind the door, perhaps the gear is damaged or destroyed. Working doors would be needed on the ship. Also added the ability to 'construct' barrel fires around the perimeter to make those approaching at night visible and to mess with their low light visual adaptation (and NVGs). Final touch (and not strictly necessary but I like the idea - gardens on the top deck for food production. Now I know that this isn't the easiest way to do things but if at least some of these things were implemented - perhaps later in development - then that would add a lot to the game. I'm keen for people to toss this idea around and see what they come up with. Remember - I'm not saying it should be made to happen but rather that the right tools are provided in game so this sort of thing could happen - in the ship or other pre-existing structures.
  6. I think knowing that the run in and out could be dangerous would make it an exciting place to visit. Would make it important to play carefully and to do due diligence (scouting etc). The group running the show may want to do patrols - would be pretty fun I reckon. Also if traps of some form get in game then trapping promising sniper positions would make sense.
  7. Was thinking that a hands behind head animation, but in standing, that allowed you to be searched would be useful - so people could know that you're not sneaking weapons in. Also I like the idea that bandits would find out about the place and could try to attack it. I would want it to be defensible but not immune to attack - in DayZ nothing should be immune to attack.
  8. Yeah - they talked about it in a live stream pre-release. Hasn't worked for me. Anyway back to the topic at hand...
  9. Yes very true - I tried my first attempt at DayZ free running on the boat with the character in the pics - didn't end well... But for arguments sake assume that I'm talking about later development when a lot of these issues are ironed out (one can hope).
  10. Roshi (DayZ)

    [Weather] Fog

    Fog for sure.
  11. Roshi (DayZ)

    Simple NOT exaggerated base building

    Haha I have been meaning to do a thread on realistic base building and what would be needed to make it happen. In particular I have been thinking about the stranded ship. Have set up another thread to explore this idea: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/166133-how-could-the-stranded-ship-be-converted-into-a-base-or-trade-post/
  12. Roshi (DayZ)

    [Mechanics] Weight system?

    I think Rocket has already said on a live stream that encumbrance is planned. I don't like the idea of randomising the carrying capacity at the start personally, although it should slowly change with use over time and with nutritional status (and without overtly telling you that it has changed)
  13. Roshi (DayZ)

    Home made and modifiable clothing

    Aiming for the more survival oriented side of things here. Identification (particularly with arm bands has been discussed elsewhere, although I agree with the armbands idea.
  14. Roshi (DayZ)

    Change spawn location away from coast

    Interesting thought OP. Beans.
  15. Roshi (DayZ)

    "The Road" Type Scenario.

    Haha... "The Rod". But like some of the ideas - the blanket in particular. Hehe... Rod...
  16. Roshi (DayZ)

    Reduce travelling time

    Bikes but none of the others for me.
  17. Roshi (DayZ)

    Reflectable animals and Zeds eyes

    Beans for an original idea... rare in the forums :)
  18. Roshi (DayZ)

    Intake Tab

    I had a stab at this in a post on nutrition but was met with resounding silence - how nutrition is implemented should be a pretty big deal and relate to the short-, medium- and long-term condition of your character. I've been considering re-doing a post on nutrition but in the broader context of physiology and physical capacity. As a simplification, I was thinking of 'slow'and 'fast' calories (to mimic fats/complex carbs and simple carbs respectively) for 'energy', protein (for nitrogen balance) and micronutrients (which would be important in starvation.
  19. Roshi (DayZ)

    Containers instead of random loot

    I'd be happy if some containers with loot were added in but did not replace entirely the current treasure hunt approach to loot. Would add some variety. As more variety of stuff is added I think the loot spawn locations will become more appropriate.
  20. I've been trying to nut out a better system for relaying interoceptive feelings and drive states (i.e. thirst, hunger, illness etc) than the written cues in the bottom left. Obviously we are going from multiple senses IRL down to basically sound and vision in the context of the game, so this is hard. So I had a thought that maybe some audio cues but 'inside the players head' i.e. not audible to other players (at least most of the time - see below). So rather than seeing the cues, you would hear them spoken. Kinda like the slightly dodgy Czech voice-acted "Fuck it hurts" from ARMA2 that made it into the mod, but with a ton of work added. Or you could have both as options to meet different players' preferences. A few fine points: - Bohemia could probably afford some decent voice actors if they went this way. - you could vary the volume and intensity of the voice in accordance with how intense the drive is - e.g. "My arm hurts" could be "MY ARM FUCKING HURTS". - gives room for the quality of the voice to convey the more emotional content of the message to tell you how severe the sensation is (assuming decent voice actors here). - male and female voices (and possible variation in voice within each sex) - If the sensation (e.g. pain) gets past a certain threshold, then the character could actually start voicing the message so it was audible to players near by. The reality is if you are in enough pain, you start vocalising as pain is a drive state - it makes you act sometimes against your better judgement. I think this would add a lot more to immersion and get rid of the text along the bottom that clutters the screen.
  21. Roshi (DayZ)

    Dual Wielding

    Dual wielding is a distraction from the practical uses of two hands but would be possible.
  22. Roshi (DayZ)

    Dual Wielding

    Yeah - check out my post on 'Two Hands' - click on my signature link then find the topic.
  23. OR a chance of tripping/falling, and a chance of ankle sprain/broken ankle on top of this - i.e. you trip over, but sometimes when you trip you do your ankle in. Requires strapping/taping. Reduces your speed (sprain). Takes time to heal but not permanent.
  24. As per the title. .. would cut a lot of crap from the forums.