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Everything posted by MjrHardOn

  1. Installing the new patch for dayz makes arma2 crash,if i return to 1.7.3 i have no problems. I use DayzCommander and arma is up to date.Restarting or reinstalling commander did not work. Just before the loading screen it crashes.Anybody else have this and what to do.
  2. MjrHardOn Arma2 has stopped working

    finally got it working again.To get better FPS and better picture i had changed the shader and shadow settings in my profile files.I reinstalled the Arma series completly and on starting OA i got the message that it was because of shdr and shdws that it didnt work.Deleted my profile files coz pasting back the original one didnt work either,reinstalled OA again and voila.
  3. MjrHardOn

    Build Rolling Update

    installing the new patch makes Arma2 crash,if i go back to 1.7.3 i have no problems. ARMA 2 HAS STOPPED WORKING
  4. I was wandering round the map and found an intact heli.As i was approaching,i heard a vehicle close by.I dropped to the ground and sneaked up on a guy getting out of a white pickup heading for the chopper.Shot him,blew up his car and went on my way.Apperantly it was 1 of the admins.The server had just restarted when i enterd,not more then a minute after the kill he restarted again.There was already a discussion going on why some guy got kicked because he had shot 1 of the admins.What a bunch of cowards. Server:FR60 60 vehicels time:19.53 I will not be playing on that server ever again,even though i had fantastic gear.