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Everything posted by federik21

  1. federik21

    Non Lethal Taser gun

    killing is easier and safer, and since there isn't a morality-humanity system, it's useless to have a tazer.
  2. federik21

    DayZ FOR XBOX 360!!

    Xbox would explode while trying to run the arma engine. And Xbox updates cost to the developers many thousands dollars each to be provided by xbox live service. And Xbox is for arcade games, like all consoles. I own a xbox360 too, but is always turned off, i use it just to talk with my friends that keep playing that cod zombie shit.
  3. federik21

    Remove tents completely.

    Tent are ok. At least, getting killed by other players doesn't stress you so much.
  4. federik21

    One Character Per Server

    You can use Dayz sanctuary servers. You will have a brand new character, and every character is stored into a local database of that server.
  5. many players don't use post process effects, that make you lose fps and it is difficult to play with (ex. blurry vision during pain or low blood)
  6. federik21

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    not me. not me. im in the middle of a forest north to guglovo with hatchet, knife, matches, water bottles. I CAN LIVE FOREVER! p.s. I got an m4CCO too. Just fot the guests.
  7. federik21

    Controversial Topic: BANDITRY IS DEAD.

    Wow... man you discovered wet water.... it's impossible because: 1- he would disconnect, if it is not a cod kiddie (and out there is plenty) 2- killing is easier and safer. This two thing could be fixed, BUT this game has enough fanboys to convince it's perfect as it is.
  8. federik21

    Is Rocket Trolling Us?

    This isnt a survival horror mod. You want to survive? TOO EASY: Go into the forest, stay afk, eat pigs and drink lakes. The only thing that keeps ppl playng is pvp. I hope in another clone of dayz with another engine, where coop is encouraged, zeds are dangerous, and killing just to encrease kill count will be punished.
  9. federik21

    [VIDEO] Pulp Fiction meets Day Z

    With a 1911 it would have be more epic, but you can have my beans bro!
  10. can you make an equation to demostrate god do/doesn't exist?
  11. NO: This game is perfect as it is.
  12. federik21

    Just got killed by a fuckin tree...

    Lol , happened to me too. Plus, my body disappeared, so I can't take my stuff back. It was like the only PvE death since I understood the go-into-2-doors-building-to-lose-zeds mechanic
  13. Since the character is a sort of mindless psyco killer, or an ex soldier, because he can't feel no psycological drawbacks about killing 1 or 10 or 100 survivors, i think he already have one (maybe a rifle too). But NO, i want to have NOTHING at start, it's cool as it is now.
  14. In cod or bf you feel bad about killing players? no. Here is the same.
  15. federik21

    Great deathmatch / team deathmatch mod !

    We already know. Thanks.
  16. Sarcasm. Do you know?
  17. Because Rocket interested a lot of players like me into this project, sayng this would be the ultimate zombie survival sim, the game i was looking for, but now he lets this project go into a stupid "DM with food and drink and huge map" for cod kiddies with a lot of patience in the art of camping.
  18. federik21


    Increasing murders count. It's what this game is about.
  19. So, one day I will accept I am the only one who gets killed on sight or don't alt f4? Wow. I will realize how this game is a complete shit more than now.
  20. federik21

    This is why I kill on sight

    I kill on sight to raise my K/D rateo
  21. Man, what are the difference between a bandit and a survivor, except the murders's count? Those suggestions are great for every one.
  22. I can't believe it. I only got killed less than 5 times by zeds, but got killed hundreds of times by survivors. Everyone shoots on sight. No matter where you are, no matter how many you are (i managed to kill 2 of a 4 group survivors, and make others to escape). Maybe it is because people use altf4 and don't get killed, and i am the only idiot that doesn't use this exploit.
  23. Look at arma2 servers. All cooperative missions there. Looks like Pvp servers doesn't exists, they are very rare and not played by anyone, seems they prefere dayz to deathmatching.
  24. OMG, another "look-the-statistics" guy. In case you don't noticed it, respawning kills count as PvE kills. Every person who dies then use that botton several times, that's why you read on the chat log: asda was killed fasg was killed asda was killed asda was killed fasg was killed jhkchh was killed fasg was killed jhkchhwas killed fasg was killed I think in average, i use respawn button like 4 times per spawn. Starting running for Kamencha or East coast is boring, better rush into Cherno or Elektro with no fear to lose everything because of survivors.