i will post the same response here as i posted in our forums " 1st of all that is admin base,. nothing is horded there. privately spawned things for us to use to help our player. as we do an a regular basis. when you come steel things from the admin base you take things we have to help other players, i have been on several times and asked if you needed anything and you always dont answer or say no. you didnt need any of the things you took from us. you took a chopper and an suv. and high end weapons. that you didnt need as you said you only took what you needed. i moved you to your buddy so you could play together. if you need something from the admins ask, of when we offer speak up. dont steel it." we have a very great player base that we help often. you can ask any one else on the server we offer to help at least once a day. but if you want to steel from the admins when we offer to help you then you dont need to play on our server anyway.