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Everything posted by ventzer0

  1. Hello I'm looking for people or tutorials/guides on how to change the server and client files to change basic stuff like loot placement for example. My goal is to change the gameplay in a way that it will be more balanced and fun. But I dont know how achieve these yet, for example changing spawnpoints in the server.pbo didnt work. The poor guineapig spawned in the debug flats. This is a list of features I want to change or implement: - change loot (military loot only at military locations - no DMR ammo lying around everywhere, less food, ..etc) - change loot size (Tanktraps should take 6 slots or more) - new spawnpoints on the north east coast near Berezino and somewhere in the mid west near Zelenogorsk and Sosnovka - making Zelenogorsk a decent spawn area - adding buildings like hospitals and office buildings to several cities - change itemslots on vehicles and tents - adding a new tent - adding deployable camps / camonets for vehicles as a form of base of operations - making it harder to snipe (more snipe sway, blowing up dust in the air when shooting big calibers, thx to Jaws4096) - adding different ammotypes (if for example DMR ammo is found in residential areas, its different from military ammo, .308cal is quite common so it makes sense) - adding vehicles (URAL with camo, Kamaz, Landrover, Humvee, Hilux variants, Mi17, CH47, Blackhawk, Littlebird ...etc [maybe through rMod?]) - maybe adding an Aircraft Carrier as spawnlocation for blackhawk off the east coast (big military loot location) - making repair of aircraft harder especially CH47 (need to repair both engines with 2 engineparts? or maybe add turbineparts into loot table) - more skins for survivors - more female skins! (no ability to change clothes is very unfair) - new crashsites (CH47, Mi17 - loot determined by type of wreck, russian wreck only russian weapons - us only us-weapons, makes sense?) - transport vehicles with CH47 - remove some of the roadblocks except in the bigger cities (many are buggy and annoying!) * the bold lines are the higher priority stuff I'd like to change Its a lot, but I've seen some of the stuff already in other mods like SurviveDayZ (vehicle transport, different crashsites, fortifications, skins, ...) I would welcome everyone who could tell me about how to change those things, and/or who might be willing to take part in this project. ... So long o7
  2. I had problems connecting myself to the server the first time due to Battleye too, but there are ways to solve that by yourself. I guess you got kickbanned by some random script restriction, well if thats the case you couldve googled the problem yourself, for example edit the damn script.txt so that it doesnt kick you anymore, worked for me - its not the hosters fault. VertHosting just provides the hardware the rest is basically up to you which is a reason why this hoster is one of the best hosters, they offer you very much freedom to setup and admin your server. Srsly, it sounds like a lot of whining from a noob admin, who didnt know what to do in the first place. And next time maybe check the timezone of the hosters company, europe->new zealand are ~12 hours apart dont except instant response times when its in the middle of the night in their timezone.
  3. you that the server hoster is based in new zealand right? its 8o clock there ... have some patience, my server is running fine
  4. Hello there, we moved our server to Taviana! The server runs smoothly with DayZ Taviana and rMod. DayZTaviana AxeTeam ( 99700)[VET|3DP:ON|CH:ON|NP:OFF|WP:ON][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by Vert Hosting IP: TS3 server: axe-team.4npserver.com For more information visit: http://www.axe-team.eu DayZ Taviana latest ArmA2OA beta patch waypoints crosshairs 3rd person view no nameplates Bliss private hive kill msgs care packages sidechat active admins full moon nights ingame time GMT -6hrs server restarts every 6hrs public Teamspeak3 server server will have modifications and customizations in the future Feel free to post feedback and questions or tellus if you have problems connecting to the server. Hope to see you on the Server.
  5. many people viewing the thread, but very few actually join. whats up guys, why is that?
  6. *bump* there are around 130 to 140 vehicles which havent been touched yet, so claim your vehicles now. there are still m113s around to be found
  7. just to let youknow which vehicles we included from rMod: M113 Armored Personel Carrier - Yes, it's a tank with a .50cal on top, but do not fear! This thing can be immobilzed even by a M14AIM or M14DMR and destroyed by an M107 or AS50. UH60 Blackhawk - There will be only 2 of these on the map, heavily damaged. MH6J Little Bird - Unarmed Little Bird. Kamaz Truck - Better looking Ural basically.
  8. Hello fellow Citizens! We are having a Warzone Event on our private Hive from Thursday to Saturday. This means we spawned multiple combat vehicles on the server, including: 20 Helis - AH64 Apache - Mi24 Hind - UH60 Blackhawk - Mi17 Hip - AH6J Littlebird 6 Anti Air Tanks - Tunguska - ZSU All Hilux and Datsun Pickups now have MGs on top. There are around 12 of these on the Server. And we gonna add 4 Armored Humvees with .50cal's. Have Fun Server Info : IP : Name : DayZ - www.axe-team.eu private hive - 100+ Vehicles [rMod](v 99153)[VET|3DP:ON|CH:ON|NP:OFF|WP:ON][GMT-6] dayzmod.com - hosted by Vert Hosting Customized Chernarus map Fullmoon nights and shorter night cycle By the way we disabled Whitelisting for this Event and stays disabled until next weeks thursday, but please keep appyling for the whitelist if you want keep playing on this server the following week. On sunday we will return to normal DayZ again, all combat vehicles will be deleted.
  9. full moon nights dont work first restart after changing everything to 05 July 2012 21:00 the server shows the fullmoon as it should be after disconnect and rejoin ... it is as fucking moonless at it was before, how can that be?
  10. Hi there! This private server needs some population on it. DayZ - AXE-Teams 100% Vehicle Spawn Private Hive 6 Helis (v1.7.2.6/Beta 97771) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON|WP:ON|NP:OFF][GMT-5] hosted by Vert Hosting - Bliss private hive - kill msgs - care packages - 70+ vehicles on the server! - sidechat - active and friendly admins - ingame time GMT -5hrs - server restarts every 12hrs - language in sidechat is english at all times - server will have modifications and customizations in the future (general gameplay changes, loadout, vehicles, loot changes... etc) Hope to see you on the server! - VentZer0 AxeLeader [Admin]
  11. some help would really be appreciated
  12. http://www.axe-team.eu/ The AXETeam server now has got a website, check it out. Server is online and open again after a complete reset and overhaul of the settings, some things still need work to be done, but its as of now open for buisness. :)
  13. Hi there, I've tried everything to get the viewdistance up on my private hive. Nothing seems to work. setViewDistance 10000; 0 setFog 0; Doesnt work in the init.sqf I can play with the distance all I want its always stuck on default. Even tried to disable the weather system but all this fiddling with .bisign files is very confusing and didnt work (a clear userfriendly documentation would be very helpful). If someone has a valid solution for this problem I would be extremely grateful to read it. I'm pretty much stuck here and I want to change the viewdistance so bad .. 1,6km (if youre lucky) is a bad joke IMO. Thanks
  14. i actually foundout how to change it, if any body want to know send me a PM
  15. I think the server can handle 3km instead of 1,6km its not like I want to turn it all the way up to 10km If those settings wont work, what settings or mods will work?
  16. ok works now, but eventhough the server is running i cant login with DART or join the game, stopping or restarting dont work, joining through dayz commander or remote ip ingame dont work either
  17. "The service with id 60 does not exist." still getting that error, when will it be finally fixed ?
  18. oh shit o_O btw did you guys got to the AXE Team server ? had server timeouts twice now