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About Sulforic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Skype Name: tillman.phillips or PM on here
  2. To play with great concentration. To keep getting better and better. Intensity can mean many different things.
  3. I'm extremely tired of grouping up with total children. I am 17 years old and looking for people who want to play the game with intensity. add me on skype: tillman.phillips pm on here or just comment
  4. Skype: tillman.phillips Age: 17 In-game: Sulforic Country: South Carolina, U.S.A Player Type: I'm more of a scout. But i can be put wherever needed most.
  5. Looking for mature group of players north america must have skype and mic add me on skype if you want in. Skype:tillman.phillips add me on skype if interested
  6. Im pretty bored of the whole solo aspect of the game and im interested in being in a group/clan pm me on here or add me on skype i would like to play with some people as soon as possible i speak english and from south carolina Skype: tillman.phillips
  7. Sulforic

    [TSC] The Snakes Clan Now Recruting

    Age :18 Dayz/Fps Experience : 3 Weeks Honestly/6 Years Why do you want to join? : DayZ Solo is soo boring sometimes and i want a group to be with and to help grow with Where are you from? : South Carolina,US How often do you play? : Everyday mostly nights.