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About Antvan

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  1. Antvan

    the mysterious creature

    Two cars, the one on the left driving away (or stopped) on a dirt road, whereas the one on the right is facing the dude with the glock. Did I win something?
  2. Antvan

    Offline hunger

  3. Antvan

    Hatchet can no longer be in tool slot

    I personally think making the hatchet take primary slots instead of the "bag of holding" accessories slots is a good thing and a step to the right direction. After the introduction of the hatchet it has been way too easy to survive just by staying near a fresh water source and hunting animals. With a bit of luck (i.e. not getting bushwhacked) one could survive basically forever doing that.. Changing the place of the hatchet to the primary slots doesn't really change that much, but at least one has to compromise of carrying it around instead of something else..
  4. I agree... It is merely "gaming the game"' date=' exploiting a loophole in the game system that allows things, not originally intended by devs, to be done. Enaver, I am sorry to say, but eventually this will be fixed in a way or another. Unless of course the devs consider it ok.. which I [b']seriously doubt. So enjoy while you can.
  5. Again, remove the ability to store vehicles and pitch tents off the map (North of 000 grid latitude) and I see no reason for anybody to wander there..
  6. My two cents.. Having explored area north of Pobeda Dam (grids 000-015) finding plenty of tent cities (largest often more than 24 tents due to the "unlimited tent exploit/bug") with vehicles and high tier loot I have definite mixed feeling about this issue. It is always nice to stumble upon such place and steal good loot and vehicles. This itself bring certain excitement trying not get caught (or setting myself for a sniper shot >800m when the owners come back home). As surprising as it sounds there is ALOT of activity going on in those seemingly remote areas and because people are very protective of their loot collections it is generally "shoot first or get shot" mentality, which makes it purely an area for PVP. The problem is that since there are no buildings, there are no Zed's which essentially makes living and wandering around the area north of Pobeda basically a any other multiplayer game where your focus is to solely to whack other players (and steal their stuff in this case). This, in my opinion strongly conflicts with the main idea of DayZ.. (Everyone knows how frigging boring was the second season of The Walking Dead when they only camped at the farm).. This problem is emphasized due to the rather easily gained ability to be nearly completely self-reliant (hatchet eliminates the need to find wood, animals are plentiful and Pobeda dam is close enough source for water). To me it seems it becomes more about aimlessly collecting and storing the "best loot" just for the sake of it. In my opinion, this should be made more challenging for the groups wishing to practice such hoarding.. As of now, it is actually "carebears" who use borders of Chernarus to store their loot, simply because it is so easy. First solution would be to fix the tent bug which allows people to create these massive tent cities. Also, IMO, one should be able to destroy and/or pickup tents laid by other people as it would bring more insecurity to the hoarders. As for wandering off the map, the solution is simple; No tents can be pitched off the map nor vehicles can be stored there. Vehicles left out of bounds, will spawn back to their initial spawning locations within specific time (e.g. same as loot re-spawn). And now a treat for all of you wannabe camp raiders out there. EU20 has/had (last checked 12th of June) a very camp containing nice higher tier loot (camo SVD's, M4A1 SD's, NVG's etc.) at 113 003. Now you are wondering why would I be so cruel and reveal some crew's secrets so blatantly... Well, after ambushing their camp there were three dudes who disconnected right after getting shot. Now I don't give a crap if you think what I do here is wrong, but the behaviour of these cowards just makes by blood boil. There is your frigging carebears right there..
  7. Antvan

    What I feel Day Z is missing

    I think there is already some sort of "working together" crafting element with the cars and helicopters. I saw a youtube video of some crew hauling gasoline to a Huey and flying it around (for whatever purpose). I personally think that any sort of leveling or skill development would have significant impact on the immersion. It would only shift focus from trying to survive to farming skills. To me, it is rewarding enough to see the brief text on the right bottom corner when logging on to a server change from Day 0 to Day 1 and so on.. It is more about being creative in the environment and evaluating the risks against the rewards (e.g. should I take the risk of going to NW airfield to try and find an assault rifle when I have plenty of ammo for my Winchester). For me, it is about trying to play it smart, focusing not to take any unnecessary risks, thinking and planning movements and how to deal with zeds and bandits. IMO, the game is entertaining enough without skill levels and character development.
  8. Antvan

    Zombies Spawning in Ground

    I had the exact same issue right after updating to (from Swedish mirror). I tried several EU servers, yet it made no difference. Eventually I just deleted the existing @DayZ folder, created and downloaded new files from US mirror which solved the issue for me.