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About B4ndo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. B4ndo

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Its nothing compared to the other stories but i'll share it anyways. It was my first time playing Dayz and alot of the guides I read say to keep heading north. So thats what I did, It was a low populated server and I wasnt really worried about running into anyone in the wilderness. After about 30 minutes on continuous sprinting through the forest I started to hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turned around, nothing. I kinda figured I was just paranoid and kept running. I stopped a few times after that but the footsteps behind me ended a couple of seconds after I had stopped. In fear I sprinted to a open field and hid behind a hay bail. Then all of a sudden I heard it "Its raining its pouring the oldman is snoring" O yea bad time to be using headphones, I nearly shat myself D:. It was so loud and it was coming from right behind me!!! I turned around with my double barrel shotgun and shot this guy wielding an axe at point blank. That only made him mad. Then I got axed to death. THE END. Hacker axe murderers have to be the scariest thing in this game, period.
  2. B4ndo

    NeckBreakersLifeTakers - Steam Group

    This sounds like me, where do I sign up!!! xD
  3. Hi, i'm looking to team up. I live in New Zealand and play on the NZ or Aussie servers. If anyone is interested could you leave your steam name please. I use teamspeak.