g'day everyone, well today i went and bought arma II comb.... bought it for dayz, so i had a bit of a play around and go used to the controls then went out and onto dayz, the first 10 times i spawned in someone shot me within the first 30 seconds, people where camping right around the spawn areas, and having no weapons they just shot me. so that really sucked balls, finally got a chance to get up and going and some dude shot me as i was being chased by 4 zombies, he was kind enough to first watch me kill the zombies then proceeded to shoot me. So whats the deal with people loving to kill us newbies, having nothing at all and just spawning in why do they kill for. So this was my first efforts of dayz, i then went to the online of just arma 2 and it was the most fun in a game i had in ages. The variety of weapons, vehicles, planes, bikes the lot was great fun.... still havnt given up on dayz, i ended up finding a dead dude with some stuff, and found a old bike too. I didnt let my frustrations get the better of me and im yet to even go close to the main cities too lol. The zombies are very temperamental, sometimes you can creep past them but other times they just hate anyone being near by. so just wondering, anyone got any good tips for day 2 of dayz for me?