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About tomallbones@gmail.com

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Taking control of a city/town

    I agree. A camel is a horse designed by a committee.
  2. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Had a pretty lucky evening.

    Nice finds indeed. I need me a coyote
  3. tomallbones@gmail.com

    PC first or DayZ first?

  4. Love this server lads :) Also fraggle, you don't happen to have played bf2 back in the day for a CBR clan did you? ;)
  5. tomallbones@gmail.com

    UKHARDCORE Whitelist Server | Veteran | Daylight 24/7

    Just signed up and playing right now, i hope more people come and join the server :) Also if anyone wants to team up and gear up, let me know Celld
  6. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Latest beta 97982

    Yes but I don't think DayZ commander is updated to actually install the latest beta..at least that was my assumption. So I took the beta from the official page listing all the beta patches and installed it myself :) It's pretty annoying that there are few servers running for me atm, hopefully someone can clarify whether they will be updating or not.
  7. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Latest beta 97982

    Is this a very new beta patch? I installed it after a month or so not playing and I can't join any servers..I'm updated on six updater and commander is listing my beta as 97982 (latest beta) and, which as far as I know is up to date :P Am I early to the party for the new beta patch or am I missing something? Ty guys
  8. I mostly agree, I wouldn't mind some more zombies that are more dangerous, as long as i can for example shoot their legs to stop them running after me, the way it is now they chase and chase you at 100% speed, if they make them powerful in combination with that i wouldn't enjoy it
  9. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Remove 3rd person or make it worse

    No, third person is amazing its nice to have a change and chill out in third person rather than always being in first constantly looking around. There are servers were only first is allowed you should play those, for me I like the tactical advantage 3rd person gives you..sometimes im on the advantage, sometimes im the one with the disadvantage, its the way it goes :P
  10. tomallbones@gmail.com

    One wolf does not a pack make.

    I'm not sure where I stand on things like this. The problem is some people don't like grouping with people, they'd rather do their own thing, and yes it should be harder than the mod, but I think while forcing people to group to survive sounds a great idea and is one I prefer, I know many who play this game for themselves and by themselves the majority of the time. Also I don't want that PvP feel to be destroyed by the zombies being too hard and too numerous. The main way to spot a player is by looking for zombies, either spawned or chasing someone. If I'm getting chased by zombies I want a chance that I can kill them off with decent hp and then be able to defend myself from players coming in to try kill me after..I don't want to be bogged down to a "Do I try run the hell away from these zombies or kill them" situation every time I suspect a player is watching me or about to shoot me. For this its also probably better that zombies can only walk in buildings, although I heard they can run now? I'm not sure I agree with that. In conclusion if they can make surviving harder without forcing everyone to group up, and not disrupt the freedom you have to kill / survive against players in the game, then they will know they've done it right. If the game starts becoming more of a survival game over player vs player interaction, I and many will be let down, because it's the tense, loot hungry aspect of DayZ that makes a lotter of people play DayZ. Nothing better in this game to me than working hard to kill a player and looting him to find he has godmode NVG's / 50 cal weapons on him. (Before hacking and duping anyway).
  11. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    Haha me too ;) Actually I lie they're just ASDA beans, the sauce is far nicer than the Heinz one's..plus they're usually cheaper :D
  12. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Mod to standalone over switch

    You're basing this on the mod right now, which isn't a realistic thing to do for the standalone. You're getting killed by ghillie as50 snipers from starter spawn areas because finding gear is not rare now, and tonnes of people hack and dupe gear. You really think a guy with a ghillie and a 50 cal on the standalone will risk his character shooting newbies for next to zero reward in main city and starter areas? ;) I don't. Anyone could easily flank him and kill him, problem is on the mod people don't care much any more.
  13. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Coke, Pepsi & Heinz

    They love beans in the UK ;)
  14. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Mod to standalone over switch

    It won't be free, but it should be cheap. Predicting it will be £10-15 / $25-30 dollars
  15. tomallbones@gmail.com

    Mod to standalone over switch

    The standalone is the biggest hope I've had in a game since BF3, and that was terrible.. The standalone will succeed in my eyes if: They keep weapons rare (no duping) and do not remove 50cals, NVG's etc. e.g. all the god loot that makes the game worth it Hackers minimal and suspicious people monitored (by whatever means possible) Don't make the zombies too easy OR too hard (making zombies a royal nightmare every single step of the way wouldn't be a great thing, after all the main way you tend to spot other players is when they're being chased by a million zombies..give the guy a chance before you lee enfield him in the face..) Polish the game continuously until it plays how it should (inevitably glitches and bugs will be seen in alpha, just have to steamroll them out :) This includes releasing a polished game, I hate games that feel rushed, and though Rocket seems to be working on a schedule, I for one would wait longer if it meant seeing better results in the game, if it's good, it will sell no matter when it is released. And most importantly overall, recreate that DayZ feel in every way which attracted people by the masses; especially in the first few months before hacking and duping. If they do all that, then I will play the standalone, if they can't succeed in the most important parts I'll unfortunately have to play something else, because the mod will forever be a testing ground and rightly maintained less than the standalone.