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Little Miss DayZ

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About Little Miss DayZ

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  1. Little Miss DayZ

    So i spawned in novy sober

    If you're stuck in the house, go prone and walk backwards towards the door. If not give me a shout and I'll toss in a grenade, no bother.
  2. Little Miss DayZ

    A passive characteristic for bandits.

    Polling this now, I have no beans, nothing. And need something to tickle my tastebuds.
  3. Little Miss DayZ

    A passive characteristic for bandits.

    This, he get's me completely. Strip the flesh, salt the wounds. Although, there should be some type of "passive" bonus for bandits. Or even a negative one that will sway me away from the brutality.
  4. Little Miss DayZ

    worst first impressions on dayz

    Damn that's deep. I may need you in my squad, could do with a morale boost.. and a jester.
  5. Little Miss DayZ

    A passive characteristic for bandits.

    Some men just want to watch the world burn.
  6. Throwing a suggestion out there. Positive humanity - Give's player hero skin, makes them run faster. ( That's cool, I like that). Negative humanity - Let me cook the flesh of the fallen players that I may or may not have slain.
  7. Little Miss DayZ

    Poison bolts

    haha flawless.
  8. .... Damn. I hid a corpse with 2 of them in the backpack.
  9. Little Miss DayZ

    You were kicked of the game...BE failed to update.

    There's a programme that updates BattleEye, DayZ and Arma. http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Never had a problem with it, plus allows you to filter servers, add favourites, and search for friends that may be on servers.
  10. Little Miss DayZ

    Thug life in this bitch

    Damn bitch, you stupid fly, lemme pull up that bumper and smack dat monkey.
  11. Little Miss DayZ

    Barbed Wire Rage Thread

    My only beef with barbed wire is finding the info box to remove the blasted burden.