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Waslap (DayZ)

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About Waslap (DayZ)

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  1. Waslap (DayZ)

    Can anything in game do this much dmg?

    The ural can drive over small trees. I know this because I tried. Idk about bigger ones.
  2. Waslap (DayZ)

    Babies! (Well, society)

    Player 1 uses Missionary. Missionary is not effective. Player 1 fainted.
  3. That should be fixed in a arma 2 beta patch. I dont think this is something incorporated inside DayZ
  4. I got the latest of the latest patch installed and reading, one of it features is the green bar next to magazines/ammo. This should show the amount of ammo that is left in that magazine. But I do not have those where they should be! Anyone have any idea what this could be?
  5. Waslap (DayZ)

    I found a blue truck!!

    i fcking want to add one to our 8+ vehicles group. We have been collecting about every vehicle we found. But never this one. What is it exact location?
  6. Waslap (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    ammo count :) arma 2 beta addon.
  7. Waslap (DayZ)

    Deer Stands

    Recently found a really nice loot in the deerstand. A coyote backpack and a m16 with 2 mags. Those where found in the same stand btw,
  8. Waslap (DayZ)


    Anything i believe. You just need the appropiate boom.
  9. Waslap (DayZ)

    3 Hackers - Germany 11

    Hello, I am one of the DS Clan members and we have our own server called Germany 11. We recently had recurring encounters with hackers at the same position in our server. They used a kind of hack of what I think is gear spawning and teleporting. They spawned around the NW airfield northern barracks every single time we where looting these. We managed to kill them the first time they spawned because on the NW af everyone is paranoid as fuck. We thought they where players who logged off there. When we killed them we get to see the message Killed by friendly fire. This happend at every encounter when we killed these hackers. The encounter of today happend around 20:10:44 GMT+1 (NL). So with knowing this we believe every hacker is noticeble by his dead message. I only know 2 names because those are the only two I managed to capture in a screenshot. Apparently they are somewhere from eastern Europe looking at their names (Cyrillic letters.) Hope I provided sufficient info. Greetings, Waslap
  10. Waslap (DayZ)

    Beware Zombies. (Pics and Vid tour)

    looks boring :P. Id prefer go look for vehicles and fix them. And then get some better gear at the better spots.
  11. Waslap (DayZ)

    New "Stuck at Loading" Error. (Build_93825)

    I am also getting this stuck at loading with the beta patch. But when i switch to the normal game. It works normally.
  12. Waslap (DayZ)

    Quick question/And why.

    Hello, Yesterday my friends and I found 3 crashed choppers. Here we found the L85 with thermals. And a M249 machinegun. Now today my friend who had his L85 got removed. Why did this happen? We didnt make any screenshots of this. But we got it fully on a legal way. Did this get removed because some hacked items sweep? Grtz, Waslap
  13. Waslap (DayZ)


    That must be hacked in. Or rocket has added it but not on the wiki yet.
  14. Dude you should really read the wiki. But yeh I just heard we have another m4 cco sd. And I am like 100000% sure there is a m4 with grenade launcher I actually found in the barracks spawned with 3 mags.
  15. Ok. I have my self M9 G17 M4 CCO SD 1 Frag Group mem. Nr 1: NV Goggles AS50 M9SD M4CCOSD Group mem nr 2 M249 M9SD DMR Group mem nr 3 M107 (which I actually found) G17 Group mem nr 4 L85 with the Night/Infrared Group mem nr 5 M4 With the M203 More then enough ammo. We got some vehicles. Just looking for some tents/more cars. Just saying; we are the squad with the DS tag. Derpsqaud.