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About wtfisthis

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  1. wtfisthis

    Zombie Speed Suggestion

    The whole zombie mechanic is bullshit. They can see you no matter where you are, behind walls etc. or how stealthy you try to be, like prone or crawling. in fact trying to be stealthy is just not on the cards full stop. Pointless. Then when you are seen and start killing them, there is an endless, and I really mean endless, supply of z respawns, as soon as you wipe them out. I swear I killed over 80 at Cherno hospital. They need to be totally avoidable BUT if they see you, much more agressive, do more damage and are harder to kill. This would give a great boost to the tension in the game This endless line of zombies thing is crap. And if its and different in the SL I'll eat my boots. With a side salad.
  2. Kinda got bored of the whole zombie thing, moving on to fresher fields.
  3. wtfisthis

    Damage and Agro

    It was bad enough before the new update that you would get hit through concrete walls by zombies when you went somewhere "safe" to bandage or whatever. This I assume is a bug. Now with the new release it is a design feature that you take damage and agro WHILE SITTING IN A VEHICLE. Dear Games Designers, PHYSICS SAYS NO
  4. wtfisthis

    Who else LIKES the new update?

    Is there some sort of problem with the new patch and the Namalsk map? None of the **servers have updated to the latest release. **Private hive
  5. wtfisthis

    Dead on login

    I have played on different servers, all with correct version, mod etc. The deaths occured logging back in to same server I logged out on.
  6. wtfisthis

    Dead on login

    wtf is with the death on logging in? 5th time this week, 2nd time today. Total fucking waste of 6 hours of my life. I wasnt off the map or in a tree or in a vehicle or flying through the air. 4 of us logged in at different locations and got the "green grid" player stats screen. No blood, no broken bones, just dead with no gear.
  7. wtfisthis

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Mowed down about 20 of 'em then my front wheel broke...and they start to catch up...sheeeeeeeeeet
  8. wtfisthis

    fullscreen windowed mode

    This.. http://pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Borderless_fullscreen_windowed All games should have this option as standard IMO. Who plays with only one monitor these days? I want to be able to see my TS/net/map/pron ;) without losing any realestate on my game screen.
  9. wtfisthis

    Completely hopeless and utter dispair....

    Dispair you say? Wait till you have all nice gear AS50/DMR silenced assault rifle fully tooled up and you log into the game in the middle of nowhere on an empty server and are told YOU ARE DEAD. Thats fucking dispair.
  10. Logged in on DE 1251 only me and 2 other dudes on server. Guy appears right next to me with non-standard uniform on. I exited server before anything unpleasant happened. He's been sitting there for a while now. Also seen him on other servers when a lot of people got murdered.
  11. wtfisthis

    DE 2055 server

    Yesterday I was playing on DE 2055, was on most of the day running round doing my thing...no problem. Then I find a jeep type vehicle half repaired and a working bike with it. So bieng a good DayZ citizen I empty thr Jeep and steal the offroad motorbike. I get half a mile down the road and a message says "Battleye Admin ban" and im off the server. Cant rejoin. Coincidence? I think not. Abuse of server admin priviliges IMO. I urge you all to visit 2055 and go vehicle hunting. They will love you for it :)
  12. wtfisthis

    character deleted

    I've only been using public hive servers and I've lost 4 sets of gear. 30+ hours of gameplay down the toilet. -1 customer. Shame cuz its a good game. I play Eve Online, which in a way is the same. If people lost 6 years worth of kit to a server fu** up, there would be Hell to pay. It's not the stuff thats important, its the investment in TIME.
  13. I thought when you logged out your stuff was saved accross all the servers. Logging in to find I've lost all my gear it took me 6 hours to get is wearing a bit bloody thin. Whats the deal with this??