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Everything posted by Tvayumat

  1. Well, a friend of mine pointed this mod out to me the other day and I didn't hesitate in downloading ARMA II and getting started. It seemed to be everything I have ever been looking for in a zombie survival game. Here are my impressions after 24 hours or so of play: Maybe it's just been a series of poor circumstances, but every single player I come across, no matter how I signal that I am not hostile, immediately panics and shoots me. I just watched a guy come charging across an airfield swarmed by zeds, I stepped in as he got them to a chokepoint and blew a few of them away, and he then turned and blasted me into oblivion. I want to love this game so badly, but I can't keep playing if every single time I finally start to do well and try to link up with a player, I get hosed with bullets and called a noob who needs to learn how to shoot in sidechannel. Maybe this mod has some updates coming that will fix the situation, but for now I can't stand the frustation of respawning every few hours with none of my progress simply because some CoD kiddie with a hardon for deathmatch decided to shoot first. I post this mini review, more like a whining session, just so people can get a perspective from the experiences of new incoming players. I realize this doesn't sound that bad to veteran players, but as a new player DayZ seems like one of the most hostile, unwelcoming multiplayer experiences in recent memory.