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About Da3WiseMonkeys

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    On the Coast
  1. Da3WiseMonkeys

    Confusing issue with dayz version and arma beta patch

    And that was pretty fu**ing Ninja! Thanks for the fix man, much appreciated!
  2. Hi people really got my head twisted with this one, hoping to find some help. **Skip to bottom if you dont want the story** Recently the hive I play on updated its Arma 2 Beta version to 96895, so I try and update from 96751 with Dayz Commander. DzC downloads 96895 and installs it, but when I refresh the versions it still says I'm out of date. Not wanting to be beaten I download the most recent patch, 97127, manually and install manually. Same result on DzC and when trying to join a sever running 96895 it says "Bad version, server connection rejected". Still not wanting to be beaten I try launching Dayz using the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut. When I launch using this there are some differences, At the title screen (before finding a multiplayer game) in the top right corner it has the DayZ logo, then below that it has the Mod info and the version info but it differs from when I launch with DzC: Launching with DzC gives me: DayZ (logo) arma 2 beta expansion @dayz 1.62.96895 Launching with the "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" shortcut gives me: DayZ (logo) @Dayz Expansion beta 1.62.97127 Why in one instance do I have the wrong arma 2 beta version but the correct DayZ mod version, and in the other I have the correct arma 2 beta version but the wrong DayZ mod version? If anyone could help me to launch DayZ in anyway with the right DayZ version and the right Arma 2 Beta patch it would be amazing! I have been playing dayz for over a month with no significant issues up until now, if anyone needs system specs please ask and I shall deliver. Thanks in advance Monkeys