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About akira123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. akira123

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    Well, the first one was a freshspawn like me. I came into his house and talked to him in vocal. He didn't noticed me coming into the house, he panicked when he heard my voice, turned toward me, and literaly one punched me unconscious. He was nice enough to wait near me and was very sorry of that accident :p The second one was running toward me. He was just wearing gloves, as i've had plenty of time to look at him, i tried to argue with, and seeing him "arming" his fist, i tried to run away, take my baseball bat, and fight him. This time, i hitted him two time, but he one punched me to uncouncious, and killed me like that. I was full health & blood in these two cases. I just stopped playing today because of that sort of shit happening.
  2. akira123

    Exp Update 0.61.136737

    I don't know for you, but two times i got punched by someone barehand, two times it was a direct uncouncious. Is something wrong with that or what ? That's just insanely annoying to be honest..
  3. akira123

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I dont see the point anymore to hunt rabbit ( which is already a pain to hit when it's not moving ) anymore if it take 2 place for the same amount of life. Same for finding crash :-/.
  4. akira123

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Bullshit, now we are stuck we the same can over and over, seriously, people bitching about these "easter egg" are retard ..
  5. akira123

    The Notorious Can Incident

    WTF is wrong with people .. HURR FOOD NAME ISNT REALIST HURR I WONT PLAY GAME ANYMORE HURRR Seriously...it's a game..no need to hotfix these sort of things because of of whiners ..i find it fun personaly..
  6. I want this personnaly ! :D I think it match really the game.
  7. akira123

    DayZ Mod Update

    I think lowering the radius of Zed talking to other Zed would be better.
  8. Spawn weapon, teleport, explosion kill. Server DE 2096. 19h-19h30 GMT+2. I'm tired of this shit personnaly, i have walked near 30 minutes, meet this guy who dropped a bomb on me and my friend because we killed him on the road where he was running like a rabbit. Fix your game for this kind of hack, really, i'm really tired of not finding vehicle because cheater teleport vehicle to them, and getting killed like this..it's getting annoying.