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Everything posted by drew.williams04@yahoo.com

  1. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    DayZ is NOT fun for new players, which makes me worried.

    Personally it doesn't effect me either way if they make something like that or not, but I know it is very possible since the mod can't let you pick where u spawn. And if there are hacks that let you have a damn radar on people then they could even make a radar for people on your friend list. But I don't think they will do anything like that honestly. But who knows. It's alpha so anything is up for change I guess. Only way to get them to consider something like that is to bring it up
  2. drew.williams04@yahoo.com


  3. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Since 'zombie' hordes are confirmed.. what would you consider a "horde"?

    The mod had a server while back, it's dead now, but the owner of it modded it to have like 10 zombies come running out from every building in Cherno when the bell tower went off (set on a timer to match the bell), was cool at first but was overwhelming and eventually would crash the server cuz people couldn't kill them fast enough before it became so thick with zombies you couldn't see the streets anymore, I got stranded on the roof of a building and ran out of ammo shooting them off the ladder.
  4. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Hero/bandit skin perks idea

    Just a random idea, might be a little too harsh and hard to implement but what if having the hero skin allowed you to equip the best military grade weapons while being a bandit allowed you to only use generic weapons found in towns and cities. Or hero skin allows you to move more silently, reload quicker, or catch your breath faster when aiming etc. while bandits are at a disadvantage by being louder and attract more zombie attention or something, I dunno. I'm stuck at work and just bored, throwing out ideas. Also trying to think of some ideas to give the game a little bit of a goal to go for other then just gear. Like perhaps having towns that are so thick with zombies you couldn't possibly infiltrate it alone. Or maybe a town with a fatal gas leak that would require you to get a gas mask to go through it and have some nice gear in it. What about if they added an ability to make a lfg tag under the players tab or something. Obviously there would be traitors but part of the game right. Surely not everyone would betray. Again, just random ideas to maybe improve the game if anyone else finds the interesting enough to want added. Later
  5. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Hero/bandit skin perks idea

    I love pvp, I don't want it to go away at all. It's why I play. Was just merely suggesting some ideas is all If they're bad ideas than they're bad ideas, I'm not going to be offended or anything, I'm just trying to throw out some ideas that might catch people's attention or even better, inspire other ideas in other people. All I want is to help improve the game as much as possible because i truly want this game to be a huge success. I've never had a game give me the adrenaline rush this game gives me and since it's alpha anything is possible still. I'm not trying to beat any dead horses or annoy anyone. If some of the ideas I listed were already suggested then I apologize. Just trying to help get people's thoughts and ideas going. I just feel like this game has a huge potential for a very in depth goal other then just gear. But if the majority of players don't want it that way then I'm not one to argue its wrong or bad. I love this game and will continue to play it for a long time, even if it stayed how it is right now
  6. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    Yah that would make sense, I made a new post with the same idea and some others too just out of boredom and to see if anyone might like em. Just trying to get some ideas out there. Good or bad, to maybe inspire other people to have better ideas to improve the game, cuz that's all I want is for the game to be improved since were in alpha
  7. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    The mod had the hero skin, not sure if it did anything other then make you look different, but if you did enough things to help people, not just the same person over and over of course, would be cool if it made you run slightly faster, or catch your breath faster, reload faster, just little perks etc. Being a bandit would do things like make your movements louder, and attract zombies easier as well as people. Or something that would be really harsh but effective is to limit what weapons you can use based on your status, Hero skins could use the best weapons and accessories from military bases etc. while bandits could only use the weapons found in regular towns and cities or something.
  8. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Playing with friends

    So my question is, if you have friends on your steam account who play dayz and you both start a fresh character do you spawn in the same location? Trying to get a friend of mine to buy the game and I'm pretty sure it doesn't do that, but just wondering. And if it doesn't, would that be possible to do? Would anyone else want that to be implemented?
  9. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

    My most heart racing moment was when I played the mod for the first time. All I had was an axe and was in a grocery store looking for shit when all the sudden I hear two people going "friendly! Friendly!, I'm friendly dude. You cool?" Followed by a pause.. Then automatic machine gun fire bursts out. They were in the back storage area of the store I was in. After the gun fire settled I carefully peaked around the door frame and see one guy leaning over a dead guy and he's bandaging, so I sprint right at him with my axe and right when I get to him he starts to turn around but I got him right in the head and took him out. Got silenced m4 from him and been hooked on the game since.
  10. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Server hopping is killing this game FAST

    Wait till it's not full. Lol. That's what I liked about private hives, no server hopping and u also began to recognize the same people which built friendships and rivalries. Wish they would do that for all servers
  11. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    If people really want kos to be toned down

    Then the Only thing I can think of that will make people think twice about kos is adding towns with npc's that protect it and kill anyone with bandit status on site, the town would also have to have something in it as well to make it worth being friendly, trade post, merchants, fresh food and water and maybe a medical tent that can treat disease and wounds etc. and any other features that would be highly useful. Perhaps some sort of taxi service to other safe towns, although that would prolly cause bandits to wait in roads to ambush you.
  12. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    If people really want kos to be toned down

    Hey I'm all for kos, don't get me wrong, it's why I play the game lol. I just don't want the population of the game to dwindle down if this many people are complaining about it. Just means less people to kill. So trying to find a good medium that everyone agrees with
  13. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    If people really want kos to be toned down

    How about death spam that says who killed who, where, and with what. Would build rivalries and you could try to hunt down your enemy or get revenge etc
  14. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    If people really want kos to be toned down

    I don't hate kos, I just keep seeing posts about I so thought I would see if I could come up with an idea people liked. Never played epoch tho so didn't know there was anything already like that which was tried
  15. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Aww wtf, I just got a battleye global ban soon as I launched the game after updating... Anyone have this problem? I've never hacked or even used hacker items so how is this possible?
  16. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Well if you read my post carefully you would see that I can't use six OR commander. Trying to run either one of those gives me a CLR 80004005 .net framework error that I can't fix by repairing, reinstalling or using .net "fix it" program. Soooo yah
  17. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    Ok so for those of us who can use six or commander because they get a Microsoft.net framework error everytime they try to run them. How do we download this game?
  18. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Private Hive [100 Vehicles] Active Admins

    Lol that was crazy. I (chief williams) was hiding in the bushes by the railroad when you got hit.
  19. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Private Hive [100 Vehicles] Active Admins

    Figures out how to manually update my arma 2 version without commander or six updater so logging on now. Ign chief Williams
  20. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Private Hive [100 Vehicles] Active Admins

    I tried to join it but apparently I'm running an old version. Trying to figure out how to update it since I can't use commander or six updater. When I try to run those programs it gives me a microsoft.net error and reinstalling .net doesn't fix it nor any update attempts so well see how this goes and hopefully be able to figure it out
  21. I'm down. On my phone at work but I'll register and try to get on when i get home if I can. In the middle of a phase 2 military exercise so doing 13-14 hour shifts this week, in full chem gear (heavy suit and gas mask etc) >_< But if granted access I would definitely become a regular. I don't like to be a full blown kos everyone I see bandit, but I definitely can't play as the over trusting, hand holder who frolicks in a field of daisies either. If that's acceptable.
  22. drew.williams04@yahoo.com

    Private Hive [100 Vehicles] Active Admins

    If you made it whitelist only I would be down. You put a password on the server and then only let in people who register your site and apply etc. At least that's what I've been lead to believe is whitelist. Unless there is some central website all servers who do whitelisting use that I don't know about. Just started looking into it today on my phone at work and trying to find server who does that which I can dedicatedly play on