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About RamboType

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. RamboType

    The Men Of Chernarus UK/EU Clan Recruiting

    Age: 27 8-9 RamboType Experience: Not too long but i have played Arma for a bit, but i know alot about dayz (spawnings, locations, loot, zombie ai, ballistics) Skype: rambo.type Note: I am active duty military so i am not always 100% available due to training exercises and day to day hours
  2. RamboType

    Looking for a group/squad

    I will check you guys out, whats your normal playing hours?
  3. RamboType

    Recruiting 4 players [EU] and [US] only

    i made a post a bit ago about looking check it out if you want some details http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/93330-looking-for-a-groupsquad/
  4. I am looking for a group/squad with good communication and tactical proficiency. I am based out of EU side of this world but still manage to pull decent pings to the US. Little more info about me: Age: 27 Occupation: Active Duty Military ( so now and then I have extended periods of training but I am still a very active asset. ) Language: American English Just hit me up on here I will be checking back regularly.