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About drwright420@hotmail.com

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  1. drwright420@hotmail.com

    Avoid Gameservers

    My community has two servers through gameservers. In the past we have had many different kinds of servers through them as well, the updates and maintenance are done very quickly and I have always been impressed with them.
  2. drwright420@hotmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    Here is the game for you then.....
  3. drwright420@hotmail.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    WarZ is shit, so making the game easier for the children will just make the entire game shit.... like WarZ...
  4. drwright420@hotmail.com

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Lick battery is about 4-5 lines of code bro.... no time wasted there
  5. drwright420@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

  6. drwright420@hotmail.com

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    In all honesty you should just drop that peice off of the hotfix and release it. Do another hotfix when you guys have time. EDIT: Also R4Z0R can i get a reinvite to the skype convo(twamp22)
  7. drwright420@hotmail.com

    Any good Australian servers?

    Filter "Straya" nuff said
  8. drwright420@hotmail.com

    3xA-Private-Hive Servers

  9. drwright420@hotmail.com

    3xA-Private-Hive Servers

  10. drwright420@hotmail.com

    3xA-Private-Hive Servers

  11. drwright420@hotmail.com

    3xA-Private-Hive Servers

    3xA-Gaming ...is proud to present the 3xA-Private-Hive! Let me take a moment to tell all you survivors what we have going on our servers. We have: Increased vehicle types, normally not found on other private servers Increased vehicle spawn locations, and spawn rates Increased the allowed player skins(soon to be added to players with highest survival time, most bandit kills, most survivor kills, etc) Full day/night cycle with veteran difficulty Increased loot rate of all weapons with flashlights, and night-vision goggles Increased weapon variety loot type from all heli crash sites, wrecks and care packages Custom loadouts containing: Makarov + 2 Clips, 6 slot camo backpack, morphine, 2 bandages, painkiller, watch, compass, knife, matches, beans and a Mountain Dew Up-to-date community banlists for all servers on our hive, and all servers share the same banlist Active admins, with absolutely no admin abuse ...and much more!! We currently have 7 servers: Chernarus, Takistan, Taviana, Namalsk, Panthera, Fallujah and Lingor Island Search for keyword: 3xA ..or visit 3xA-Gaming.net for more information about our servers, and direct IP addresses
  12. OMG, apparently after re-launching the app, it loaded the hosts..... Looks like you thought of everything... Thanks for quick response!
  13. Domistyle, i noticed the host list cannot save two hosts which have the same IP, and different ports. When you try to save them, it wipes the previous host with the same IP. Does this sound like something that you can implement? Thanks man :)
  14. Tried to launch a second Dart got error --> http://pastebin.com/uR7kLanV Not sure if you intended for multiple instances of the program to be open or not, figured i would report
  15. I reloaded bans and then i got this error --> http://pastebin.com/q1bsUqgS