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Citizen X (DayZ)

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About Citizen X (DayZ)

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  1. What does it mean? Updated Dayz to just earlier today and now kicked from any server of with this message: script restriction #38 or 45.
  2. Citizen X (DayZ)

    What's wrong with Vilayer Hive?

    Just finished cheking: 85% of Vilayer Chernarus servers unlogable. Also, seems whole DB was wiped, so now all players have to start from beginning again. Don't know, if camp+vehicles was wiped too, can't log in at servers where I have them.
  3. From yesterday I can join only few servers of DayzChernarus from whole big list. What's wrong with Vilayer?
  4. In game name: Nik. Reason: Tired not only from hackers, but from whole bullshit in general. Thieves, idiots, mass-dupers, inadequate admins, as50 tws users (tired of killing them, already got -130k humanity due to this D: ). Just want an a bit roleplaying server, when I can play on relax, without thinking "if I help this dude, he, for sure, will shoot me in forehead with his new makarov" or "it's time to log out, since this guy with as50 tws survived HS from DMR". Just want to be a Hero, but on Vilayer can't - it change skin to Civ each time I log out and log in next day. I often play alone/in group of 2 with my friend. Active almost every day, dayz still don't got me bored. Can be very friendly, as well as very dangerous - depends of situation and whole style of playing on server when I'm on it. P.S. If needed, my friend name: yma.net
  5. Citizen X (DayZ)

    Traders and Traitors

    Even with 0 motivation now at 1st place... Who want to trade on Vilayer "DayZChernarus" private hive? Will play only there from now.
  6. Citizen X (DayZ)


    Will trade, only if stuff you offer located on Vilayer Hive dayzchernarus. If you have to offer me something on Vilayer Hive dayzchernarus - we could trade.
  7. Citizen X (DayZ)


    Have to offer me something at Vilayer Hive dayzchernarus?
  8. Citizen X (DayZ)


    This stuff located on Vilayer DayZChernarus private hive? If no - denied, I'm afraid.
  9. Citizen X (DayZ)


    Update. From now stuff going only for items on Vilayer DayzChernarus.
  10. Citizen X (DayZ)


    U r offering m4 or asking? If offer - denied.
  11. Citizen X (DayZ)


    Denied. Denied.
  12. Citizen X (DayZ)


    Never played Lingor, sorry. U offer me m4 sd or U want m4 sd?
  13. Citizen X (DayZ)

    Traders and Traitors

    fluffers +1 for clear trade.
  14. Citizen X (DayZ)

    Traders and Traitors

    Harnell is a super dude! Love him! +1 Pendragon nice, honest man. +1
  15. Citizen X (DayZ)

    Trading Rare Weapon

    I offer duel on as50 tws. Winner get BEANZ!!11111111