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About Helson

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Helson

    DayZ Friend?

    Good luck with your search man, DayZ ain't the same without friends sometimes. See you in the wasteland.
  2. Helson

    Hey there

    Welcome to DayZ
  3. Helson

    DayZ Commander problem

    Like I said, I already checked my Game Directories.. and I restarted DayZ Commander twice and nothing worked.
  4. When I opened up DayZ commander and clicked " Install/update " it says that it can't find my Arma 2 and DayZ directories? o.o I already double checked the directories and they are correct.. but DayZ commander can't find them, any help?
  5. Helson

    What is considered a "Forest"

    As long as Slenderman's around.. it's a forest~ I usually just log out and log back in and it can give me a wood pile. I don't know why or I don't know if that happens to anyone else but sure as hell it happens to me But I agree with Max.. probably those bugs the dev's can't be bothered to fix.
  6. Let's say your UAZ crashed and lost three tires, with a toolbox.. you should be able to take the remaining wheel away and keep it in your inventory.. and with an empty Jerry Can.. you should be able to take the fuel from the UAZ to maximize it's use.. rather than just looking for other just to repair your UAZ.. you should have the chance to scavenge it's parts.
  7. Tried restarting your DayZ Commander? Mine just popped up a few hours ago.
  8. Title says it all, haha. What can you say about the new update? Personally I like it, makes DayZ a little more difficult if you ask me, now... what do YOU guys think? =O
  9. Helson

    Ban Appeal from US NY 2873

    Well it is a public server.. I don't even run hacks or anything. The problem is, I don't really know who the admins are for it.. is there anyway I can know?
  10. I'm a regular player at the server and when I decided to get on, I was Admin banned for " Spawning Ammo ". I don't understand.. I didn't even spawn anything.. I've been running back and forth just to find some good weapons and ammo but a friend of mine gave me an L85A2 AWS. We had those rifles BEFORE the weapon was removed. I recently read something that I won't get banned for using it only if I had the rifle before the update and didn't hack it in, I would to ask help for my problem please.
  11. Well I was playing with my friend and we were gonna meet up in Cherno until I get kicked because my Ping was high due to the lag spike, when I got back.. I spawned in the Coast w/o my gear but I still have my Hero skin, anyone know why this just happened?
  12. Got no probs playing with you, been playing DayZ for a months now. Although I'm in the Philippines. PM me your Steam or Skype if you want.
  13. Helson

    How long have you survived?

    I got a 58 Day survivor.. 8k+ Humanity.
  14. Helson

    From Bandit to Hero

    Lol being a Hero is a new perspective, I like it.