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About Obak

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  1. Perhaps zombies would not spawn within say 100 meters of survivors?
  2. Obak

    stuck on loading

    This happens every day from about 15 gmt (3pm) I suspect that it coincides with america waking up and loging on.
  3. Obak

    Backpack Space [Change & Suggestion]

    A US soldier carries about 90 lbs (45 kilo) of fun, plus a 40lb (20kilo) vest. An assaultpack weights in on about 50lbs (25 kilo). "first aid bandages, ammo, food, hand grenades, MREs (broken down of course), notebook, pens, maps, radio batteries, a mortar round (for the company 60mm guns), a belt of 100rds of 7.62mm for the M240B machine guns, more ammo, 2 x 1qt canteens (can't always trust a Camelback), VS-17 marking panel, small squad handheld radio, flex cuffs, candy, a book to read, more ammo in mags, weapons cleaning kit, phase book of the local language, compass, GPS, and a dozen more things but you get the picture...." What I miss the most is extra amunition bags. you can easliy fit 8-10 mags for an AK by just haning them in bags from your belt plus an additional 8-10 mags in the backpack.
  4. Obak

    disconect timer

    In MMOs there are such things as a timer that counts down before ones avatar is despawned, could not this be a way to get rid of the cowarldy practice of logging of when beset by a horde or gentlemanly duel?
  5. A dead bodys cells stop regenerating and break down, same with nerves. So ok, the walking dead are perhaps untireable, but half-rotten tendons should snap easier, joints dislocate, bones break etc. Not to mention the damaged done if say running full force, face/groin first into a tree or a fencepost. Perhaps zombies could start off running like crazy, but after a while, and with some random factor involved be forced to jump and/or crawl?
  6. Obak

    trangia stove

    During my tours in the wild we would allways carry with us one of these fantastic little alcohol fueled stoves. Fantastic for cooking food, easy to carry and run on basically anything that burns, alcohol, gasoline etc. Plus they take up less space than a brickload of fire wood!
  7. Obak


    Ok, mabye not chopping people or zombies, but at least chopping wood! Wood takes up a helluva space, it spawn indors with zombieas all around and it takes up spawnslots from guns and ammo. The great irony (which I think has escaped noone) is that 99% of the map consists of forrests. I don't know about you, but during my time in the wilds we would tear up grass, bark and dry twigs (yes, twis remain dry low on the stem of pines, even in rain) and make our fire from that. Having pre-chopped wood was only necessary when we had to heat the twenty-man tent for an exte3nde period of days. BTW. How does the zombies kill in close combat?
  8. Obak

    Change how zombies are spawned

    I would say a 100-200m no spawn zone is more like it.
  9. Zombies should not respawn within say 100-200m of living survivors. I hate having cleared a village just to have the next batch of undead pests pop up under my nose.
  10. Many good opinions but zombies that can run for an infinite of time and follows you like a bloodhound get boring. Now some like this, but i bet most doesn't. having running or sprinting zombies is ok, they make up for other shortcommings in the game engine. But having bthem run indeffinetly after you just lower value of gameplay for the majority. Let the zombies sprint for a couple of minutes and then slow down. This way zombies are still dangerous if getting swarmed in cramped space and they can chase you out of town. but they wont follow you from one end of the map to the other.
  11. I suggest that zombies can only run for a couple of minutes before they becom tired and slow down, giving the survivors time to regroup and return for another go.
  12. Obak


    Axes have many uses, chopping wood for fire, chopping faces for self-defence, chopping libs of zombies and many other uses where a blunt object also is needet, like driving nails or simple carpentry. You can't go wrong with including a handaxe.