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(BF) Dr malta1

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About (BF) Dr malta1

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    On the Coast

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    watching over you when you need us
  1. (BF) Dr malta1

    us 669

    Date of Hack: 10/8/2012 8:10pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Server of Hack: us 669 Me and my clan member both seen a helicopter crash site so we decided to have a look for some gear we scoped it out for 4 to 5 mins and proned all the way towards it both wearing ghillie suits. As we got into a 30 meter radius from the helicopter we both got hit with a sniper bullet in less than 2 seconds even thought we were at least 10 meters away from each other. Also the sniper rifle that we were shot with was not in the game because of the sound that it made. We were the only people on the sever apart from him. He had been on the sever for over 6 hours his name was Jamie Anderson he may not be a hacker but he may just be the world’s best sniper in DayZ or just has no life!
  2. (BF) Dr malta1

    Trading weapons & UAZ/Bike for Helicopter.

    No thanks man but thanks i have got so new things to trade that i found
  3. (BF) Dr malta1

    Trading weapons & UAZ/Bike for Helicopter.

    Sorry guys god dam hackes killed us and nuked our camp i am starting to hate dayz
  4. (BF) Dr malta1

    Trading weapons & UAZ/Bike for Helicopter.

    i would love to but we have a few AS50 and 1 guy has a l85 but if you want the bike we may be able to trade
  5. (BF) Dr malta1

    Trading weapons & UAZ/Bike for Helicopter.

    My clan and i want to trade: -2x NVG -1x SVD camo -1x UAZ -1x AS 50 + 13 rounds -2x Compound Crossbows -1x M9 SD -1x Double barreled shotgun -1x Winchester 1866 -1 AK 74 + 22 Mags -1x M4A1 -1x M4A1 CCO -1x M4A1 CCO SD -1x Bike -4x Cans of beans :lol: -1x Rangefinder -1x GPS For: -1x Fully reparied Helicopter -1x Ghillie suit The UAZ is completely fixed, with 4 spare wheels. The windscreen is unharmed. The UAZ is well loved. We would like a single full repaired helicopter, we would also love a ghillie suit, but this is not mandotry. To sweeten the deal, we can give food and medical supplies to sweeten or close the trade. We would much prefer this to be on an Australian server. Clan server's are a no go. The helicopter must not be hacked in. Thanks,
  6. (BF) Dr malta1

    Looking to sell my FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for 2 NV scope

    sorry new to the game (10 days in) my friend said the gun was like way cool,So what would you have to trade to get 2 NV scopes?
  7. I am Looking to sell my FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for 2 NV scope with 7 Fn Fal mags only 2 or 3 have had shots fired