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About Scarraban

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Scarraban

    What made you a bandit?

    I became a bandit after quickly upsetting a clan. I was just north of Solnichniy at the time, and noticed a dude wearing camo clothing running towards the town. I decided to not take the chance, and popped him with my M4 ACOG. After heading down to loot the body, I head M24 fire flying past me. I sprint for the trees, and just before I make it to them, a stray shot hits me straight in the knee, breaking a bone immediately. I thought I was screwed. I spotted two other players heading towards me. The first one was given a quick brain reconstruction, courtesy of my M4. The other one disappeared into the grass, and I couldn't see him. I could hear his footsteps coming closer. Luckily, he wasn't wearing any camo, and I noticed his white shirt briefly appear from the grass (I was prone and couldn't stand up, due to broken bones). I immediately hip-fired 2 clips of M4 into that area until he dropped unconscious. After notifying him that his body wouldn't be here when he gets back, I watered the nearby plants with his grey matter. I looted all three bodies, and identified all three of the same clan. I immediately thought "oh dear", took the stuff and left. I left that firefight with less than 500 blood, so it was a close call. I spent the next couple of days watching my back, especially if I saw a player with same clan tag. I trusted no one, and killed anything carrying a weapon, or had the ability to do so. DayZ is full of assholes. If you can't beat them, join them, and become the best asshole there is. ;)
  2. Yes, I'm aware of that, a slight bit of the West is missing too. The DayZDB map stops there for some reason. I don't believe it's too much of a problem, as there's not any spawns missing. The main point was to map all the key locations (mainly loot spawns) throughout the map. However, it's been printed at 200ppi, so it's a high quality image, so it should enlarge fairly well if anyone wanted to make a map-size print.
  3. Hello everyone, I know that sometimes the DayZDB website can be either down or slow, so I've taken the liberty of stitching the whole map together as a downloadable version. The link to the download is below: DayZDB Map Full Download - Rapidshare (25mb) - Yes, it's pretty large. Didn't want to lose quality to keep locations. This can be handy if the site is down, or taking a while to load. You could even print it to an A3 sheet if people have access to such printers. It shows all the spawn locations, including vehicle spawns and other areas of interest. My plan is to make a map-size print of the whole thing, sort of poster size. I plan to use it an a pin-up on the wall, and use round-headed pins to mark strategic points for our team. If anyone else is interested in a print, I'll try and make them publically available, as long as it sits well with the DayZDB guys. Happy hunting!
  4. Scarraban

    Tips, Tricks and Interesting Facts

    Not to bring this thread back from the dead (lol pun :P), but another note would be that, like the .45 Revolver and M1911 magazines, you can do the same for DMR and M24 Sniper Rifle magazines. This is EXTREMELY important for M24 Sniper Rifle users, as DMR will convert into 4 CLIPS (4x 5 Rounds) for the M24. If you want to reserve space in your inventory/backpack, convert 4 clips into a DMR mag, and voila! 3 extra inventory slots. :D NOTE: Don't forget to keep one mag available for your weapon, just in case! ;)