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Everything posted by aaron101

  1. Dayz Name: Aaron How long have you played Dayz: 2/3weeks Time Zone: UTC/GTM Age:19 PvP experience: i Try Aviod PvP contact.but if it has to go down..it goes down Favorite Gun/Combo: M9 SD,Pretty Happen with just that.Any SD really. Team Experience:I have None in Day z! But ive Played Loads of other MMOs.When Team work is the only way to go.Ive also been a leader in them situations How familiar with the map are you?:Ive got my Bearings with it Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?:Yes
  2. aaron101

    [TAC] The Argent Crusade!

    Im interested, Throw Skype name and Ill Throw you a message
  3. aaron101

    ZAS is looking for new members

    Name: Aaron In-game Name: Aaron Age: 19 Location: Ireland,Sligo What Games you Play:Anything,and everything,I dont Stick to one type of game.What draws me mostly to Day z Would be the Scale of the maps,and beans. Experience on DayZ/Gaming:Im Still Learning,and im being Held back by my Grahpics card..Which im geting a new one between monday/friday, Why do you want to join?.Im Bored of being Shot at,I havent Actually Spoken to anyone in game yet,I shoot Friendly.they shoot..
  4. Yellow, Im Bored,its late.and well there isnt anyone about,Im new enough to the game,and i was gonna see if anyone wants to mess about,get a car or something,i dunno! so ye,drop a message here,skype name would be great!.