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About headshot1994

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    On the Coast
  1. No.. because he just spawned right next to me in the middle of a huge and flat field at nighttime. And havent heard footsteps but i heard him crouching. And that wasnt his normal spawnpoint because he joined the server 5 minutes before he appeared right next to me.. And he survived 15 shoots!!! + he was faster then me and thats impossible because i was fully rested and he was trying to hit me and you cant sprint and hit your target at the same time... And i had no tents :D I had everything in my backback :D So no one is able to steal it out of my tents.. but this is just stupid.. i didnt even shoot one person and i rescued a large amoung of people -.- DayZ hates me :D
  2. I just played DayZ alone on a public server and then this guy named Jason joined the game.. I was searching for crashed helicopters with my m429Saw. I was crouching and then i heard someone crouch too. Then i saw this guy with nightvision,an axe and camo clothing. I wanted to say friendly but then i realised that he wantet to kill me and that he just teleportet himself to my position... I shoot him with 15 Bullets in the upper body and head area and he didn´t die.. then i tried to alt+f4 because he got an God mod installed and i couldn´t do anything but it didn´t worked -.-.-.- And he was using a speedhack or something because i was running away at full speed and he was faster then me and still able to hit me with the axe. then he landed a hit on my, i passed out and bääm i´m dead and i wont play DayZ again in the near future and i think that you all now why... So, if you see a guy named Jason just switch the server or try to record him Heres a list of the hacks he is using -Godmod -Teleportmod -Weaponspawn programm -speedhack Ps: To Jason : Dick move bro.. try to play the game on a full server when you are bored. I hope you get banned forever and i hope (believe) your life sucks balls lol