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Jai (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jai (DayZ)

  1. Jai (DayZ)

    A Word To The Wise: What Is He???

    He just had high ping/lag
  2. Jai (DayZ)

    Weapon of choice: pros and cons

    as50 for day, m4a1 cco sd for night
  3. Take the as50, nothing will get back up from that. Providing you know how to use it
  4. Jai (DayZ)

    Motivation for being a bandit?

    I murder for fun, Motivation? changed from friendly to KoS due to all the noobies who use to shoot everyone even who spawned, Started killing anyone we saw incase they became a later threat to us. Turned into a bandit because i started to find it fun, and the thought that so many people come QQing on the forums about being killed by bandits.
  5. Jai (DayZ)

    Military barracks windows

    unfortunate that you died, but you paid the price of going to NW airfield,
  6. Jai (DayZ)

    Bullshit death

    Haha I died like this 3 times, NE, Chern,and Some forrest. I only had moderate stuff each time (apart from the chern one) so Im not really bothered, its an alpha I get over the stupid deaths
  7. Jai (DayZ)

    Anyone else do this...

    I got killed by some bandits up at NE, when returning to get revenge I some how managed to miss the NE and end up somewhere off the map lewl, but then on my way back I came across tent city of 24 tents, assuming they were the bandits I threw everything on the ground and gave them lots of wood instead. Revenge was exacted.
  8. Jai (DayZ)

    Removing stuff off-map

    Check the map? There is a black line running up the edge of map which is the end. I think off map tents should be wiped
  9. Jai (DayZ)

    What to do next?

    My clan had that problem, but we decided to go around fixing up as many vehicles as we can and build a Base of Operations etc or our snipers/spotters like to go off to towns/cities to murder people. But they are easier to achieve if you have a group/clan where as it sounds like you're alone?
  10. Jai (DayZ)

    To whomever has the white pickup Uk11

    Well I got caught up in take out some bandit group of 6 then i couldn't be bothered to meet up lewl, but if we did my clan prepare for ambushes and set ups
  11. Jai (DayZ)

    How many survivors did you killed

    I had about 19 in my last life + 3 bandit kills
  12. Jai (DayZ)


    Maybe because I wouldn't just hand over all my best gear? haha
  13. Jai (DayZ)

    To whomever has the white pickup Uk11

    We will take it off your hands :D
  14. Jai (DayZ)

    Bandit campout.

    There's already 100+ threads from carebears QQing about this..
  15. Jai (DayZ)


    I have NVG, Guille, M4A1 CCO SD & AS50, I'll give them to you if you meet up with me :D
  16. Jai (DayZ)

    shotgun or sniper

    as50 & m4a1 cco sd!
  17. Jai (DayZ)

    Diplomacy attempts?

    Haha, unfortunate but funny story. Some guy I know wanted to trade a L85 with one of our m4a1 CCO SD, not sure why someone would want to do that, but the idiot attempted to kill us before so we met up with him filled his body with bullets and took the l85 :D revenge for the idiot. But generally we only have one allied group, everyone else is KoS
  18. Jai (DayZ)

    Video: How is he still alive!!!?

    Nothing should survive a hit from a as50 especially that many, i blame hax
  19. Jai (DayZ)

    Post your loadouts

    Me: BAF AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, M1911, NVG, Coyote Elite Pack, All the tools, Rangefinders, Ghillie Team mate 2: BAF AS50, M4A1 CCO SD, M9 SD, All the tools, Coyote Pack, Ghillie Team mate 3 & 4: FN FAL, M4A1 CCO SD, All the tools, NVG, Ghillie Team mate 5: Bizon SD, All the tools, NVG, Ghillie Team mate 6: Bizon SD, All the tools, NVG, Ghillie Team mate 7: M16A2 M203, M4A1 CCO SD, NVG, Ghillie http://oi45.tinypic.com/20axfk8.jpg
  20. Jai (DayZ)

    Can I change my character name?

    Yeah you don't lose anything ingame if you create a new character
  21. Jai (DayZ)

    killed by friendly fire?

    If you're playing on an old version server, and someone joins with the later version you can kill them as much as you want and they will keep respawning in the same place with all their gear.
  22. Jai (DayZ)


    I use ts with my dayz clan