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Jai (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jai (DayZ)

  1. Jai (DayZ)


    Me or Newbie + friends? :D
  2. Jai (DayZ)

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    Maybe people prefer the enfield? personally I'm a fan of it.
  3. Jai (DayZ)


    Who's to say it's wrong in a zombie filled apocalyptic world? Maybe we've all gone mad from the months of living with the apocalypse and to satisfy our madness we kill for fun? lewl
  4. Jai (DayZ)


    always fun to do after I die
  5. Jai (DayZ)

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    Well If you sit up on those hills of Electro, you can get easy kills with the enfield
  6. Jai (DayZ)

    Found a car.

    I just hate n00bs that go to places like nwaf, get killed, then feel the need to QQ all over the forums about us snipers being faggots because of their mistakes :lol:
  7. Jai (DayZ)

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    Indeed campception!
  8. Jai (DayZ)

    Favorite Sniping/Bandit Places

    My favourite spot is where I can snipe all the camping bandits :D
  9. Jai (DayZ)

    Bad Luck Night Looting

    I had somewhat the same problem when in Electro, a few of us died in a fire fight we had and decided to raid electro before heading to camp, we went into a fire station and for ages i could hear someone crawling outside, suddenly some guys (all in the same group) came running in with autos, turned into another firefight, lost my two guys (I run to the top level of the firestation as i only had one mag for the m1911) finally theres me thinking that we beat them, then suddenly one of their dudes just ghosted behind me and wasted me with a AK. So the noobies had to ghost just to beat someone with nothing and one mag in a m1911, I hope their lives was worth the waste haha
  10. Jai (DayZ)


    I've seen one flying around on an up to date server, guess they must of had it fixed up for a while.
  11. Jai (DayZ)

    Found a car.

    umad? Sniping is for pvp, you went to the highest pvp area
  12. Jai (DayZ)

    epic axe battle ...

    I approve of the music
  13. Jai (DayZ)

    Luckiest loot you've discovered?

    I came across a camp, had all the gear, more than enough for my group, so many weapons and all rare at that but then we got sad that we could take it all, lucky found a atv hidden in the trees near the camp and filled it up with all their weapons and went on our merry way
  14. Jai (DayZ)

    12000 Blood and one hit broken leg?

    If you get shot/hit in the leg it will break regardless your blood level
  15. Jai (DayZ)


  16. Jai (DayZ)

    SVD Camo

    I prefer as50 myself
  17. Jai (DayZ)

    NVG question

    It annoyed me that I didn't find my nvgs while i had a dmr, but now i have an as50, though im no too bothered because I just carry a m4a1 cco sd in my backpack for night ops
  18. Jai (DayZ)

    Now im a Bandit?

    Right, The heartbeat reacts to any murders you have regardless of the 3+ murders, as I said the more murders the faster the heartbeat but if you get 3+ murders you're counted as a bandit for the person who kills you
  19. Jai (DayZ)


    Tractors are probably the worst vehicle though ha
  20. Jai (DayZ)

    As50 Or M24?

    It is a one hit kill.. I hit someone in the foot/leg from 700m and killed them, as50 is also awesome as it one hits any vehicle hahaha, i killed 4 people in truck with one shot
  21. Jai (DayZ)


    Fraps or bandicam?
  22. Jai (DayZ)

    GET OFF'A ME [0:47 vid]

    I love doing this to my clan mates
  23. Jai (DayZ)

    Now im a Bandit?

    The bandit skin was taken out weeks ago, Yes when you kill a bandit they spawn back as a survivor again. They added in a heartbeat sound to replace no having the bandit skin, the more murders the faster the heartbeat. But it doesn't work for a lot of people anyway
  24. Jai (DayZ)

    Weird things in DayZ.

  25. Must have been annoying as hell to run around with you, but pretty funny