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Jai (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jai (DayZ)

  1. Jai (DayZ)

    [VIDEO] Double kill with grenades.

    You know changing clothes 'resets' your kills to 0 until you d/c and rejoin
  2. Jai (DayZ)

    Why are cars so rare in Chernarus?

    They fixed this, try to keep up with updates/changelogs
  3. Why don't you login to admin in game then restart? At least your server is up
  4. Woo I see my name :D But seriously I've been sitting on that ts for 8 hours waiting and no update at all..its only a java problem
  5. Jai (DayZ)


    It was the illuminati
  6. Jai (DayZ)

    Bear Grylls is dead! He really died!

    We have a Bear Grylls who plays on lu179.. and dies a lot
  7. If the admin kicked you and lets say supposedly to raid your camp then thats just admin abuse not 'cheating', report the server and get it blacklisted, but you dont have any hard evidence.
  8. you got raided, server restarts can cause vehicles to despawn or reset to a previous location if you didn't click save but on a server restart any flattened tents pop back up
  9. Jai (DayZ)

    Rules of DayZ

    Rule 3. Wear Seat Belts (ESPECIALLY IF YOU LET ROMERO SCOTTY DRIVE, HE LOOOOVES TO FLIP EVERYTHING) Rule 4 Enjoy the little things Rule 5 Get a kick ass partner
  10. Jai (DayZ)

    So me and a mate found a tent-camp

    yeah, In two days I found 3 nvgs and 4 as50s on crashed heli
  11. If you're using as50 rounds the damage should still kill them instantly, if you use m107 it might not if penetrating walls but still goes around 37k damage
  12. Blah, you used the map marker rather than guessing or using rangefinders. Lame If you're aware of how much damage the as50 rounds can do (174k) it's an instant kill no matter where you hit someone even at full blood. Even if you stick m107 rounds in that thing (37k)
  13. Jai (DayZ)

    Raging clusterfuck

    better off keeping the hatchet on your belt, most people don't bother with unarmed survivors but I've never come across a friendly with a hatchet
  14. I think the idea of bounties could be fun, providing the players don't change their names :D
  15. Yeah ours is gone.. Well we were all driving around in the Ural when it went down for us :D
  16. Well, one of my guys drove to our camp and didn't say ours was missing, I'm about to go on and check myself though. If they all have been wiped then I'm pretty annoyed, I kept my server on for ages then got forced to update it tonight >:(
  17. Jai (DayZ)

    Weapons Hot!

    AS50 and M4A1 SD combo
  18. Is this with the latest update? I've just updated my server and we have a baf so i'll tell you soon if ours is there :thumbsup:
  19. Jai (DayZ)


  20. Jai (DayZ)


    I'm miles from Electo anyway, but if you come for me you're going to have a bad time :cool: :lol: