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About Gogglog4992374

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Gogglog4992374

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I think this is happening because more and more people have become aware of the weak zombies that struggle to scare anymore. Once the zombies are a real threat, people will be more willing to cooperate! This is only an alpha so cheer up and wait for the more hardcore zombies that will inevitably be released into the wilderness
  2. Gogglog4992374

    My top 10 list of new gameplay ideas.

    I was seeing it as more like Chernarus being the last known "Safe Zone". Maybe i'm getting it from res evil where they go north or whatever to find that place but they were wrong... hmm anyway. INTRO MOVIE: Maybe they could start the mod with a small intro vid of you on a boat with some survivors listening to a radio broadcast like "Find salvation at Chernarus, there is no infection" etc etc blah blah. Then a storm hits just off shore and you and your friends are sent over board and wash up skattered along the coast. Shortly after waking up on the beach you inevitably find out something went horribly wrong in Chernarus. MORE IDEAS: 1:Player dead bodies should become Zombies once killed 2:Zombies should get back up after a set time (like 2-5 mins) if NOT shot in the head 3:Lighter night time (It is just TOO dark...Use of the moon?) 4:Darker forests during the day (Maybe more dense?) 5:Zombies in forests so you will always need to be on guard (and to scare the shit out of people) 6:The ability to pick up and throw objects to potentially break zombies/players legs and to use as a decoy