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Everything posted by nahaz

  1. I'm interested, how would said trade go about? To avoid casualties etc
  2. Tip: Keep an eye on your murder/bandit counters, they only go up if you actually kill your target. You can see your bandit counter go +1 when you kill him,
  3. nahaz

    Server Restarting Questions

    When tents and vehicles doesn't show after a restart it's usually related to hive and them not being loaded correctly. Another restart usually solves it. Items poofing can be several things, it can be a bug, delay to hive causing it not to save, you forgetting "save vehicle/tent". The most common is data not being saved to hive in time. There are also purging done during the maintenance of hive so unused vehicles and tents get removed/reset.
  4. nahaz

    Highly advanced Suspense Tacticz

    Haha "I'm so fucking smart!"
  5. nahaz

    Will my PC run this game?

    Your computer should be able to run the game "smoothish" on lower settings. If you haven't already, take a look at my topic about gfx settings, http://dayzmod.com/f...phics-properly/ It might help you understand how you can balance load on your CPU and GPU to improve your FPS.
  6. Updated main post with info about server and client performance
  7. It can be affected by the server you play on aswell. Try different ones!
  8. nahaz

    DayZ Arma 2

    Ratings are just that, ratings. They don't mean jack here in Sweden but I know they mean a ton in Australia and Germany where games might not be released due to ratings. It's a guidance thing, it's ultimately up to the parents to decide because it's their responsibility.
  9. nahaz

    Helicopters removed?

    Yea they have radar so it's easy to find other vehicles but the main issue was that they desynced the whole server pretty bad due to DayZ running a ton of scripts based on the distance you travel, and since you travel fast in a heli the server gets on it knees and prays for mercy :)
  10. In my testing HDR changes how lightning and bloom effects displays, it might be that postprocessing changes them even more, but I turn that off due to motion blur messing up distance vision pretty bad. A good example is on nighttime. Have low HDR on at first, then set it to high and watch the results. What is your hardware specs? Most laptops don't have a GPU that's strong enough to handle Arma well. I skimmed through your thread and all I can point out is readability so I guess it's all about presentation. Details don't necessary make it better though, most people just want the results. I like to keep it simple because of that. Those who want to know more will find out more by themselves on forums more suited for that kind of interest.
  11. nahaz

    Helicopters removed?

    They were "disabled" months ago due to desync issues. If you see one today it's hacked in. I've heard that some very old legacy servers (from dayzs first days) still have Hueys but I don't know about that.
  12. nahaz

    How to use blood pack?

    You have it in your inventory, then you look at your friend and scroll with your mousewheel, choose tranfuse.
  13. nahaz

    DayZ Arma 2

    I don't like computer packages from larger companies for various reasons so I replied with what you should be looking for in them. I'd recommend talking to a computer store, you'd need something with the following specs: i5 CPU Nvidia 550 Ti or stronger (or 600 series) 8 gb ram 7200 RPM hard drive (or SSD for high performance) Windows 7 Home Premium I don't know where you live but if you're swedish I could recommend where to buy the computer.
  14. nahaz

    Night or Day?

    The game syncs ingame time to the server time at boot. Desync can cause time to go "slow" and will be corrected on server reboot. Easiest way is probably by looking at the UTC+/-X part in the server name and match it to your own timezone. Night time starts in game at about 20.30
  15. nahaz

    Laptop decisions...

    You need a "discrete" gfx in your laptop to be able to run arma2/dayz stable. I have a Dell Latitude E6410 with nvidia graphics and it can't handle more than 15 fps max in Dayz, and that's out in the woods with no zombies.
  16. Yea, servers affect client side FPS. Try around on different servers, low population ones where there are low strain on the server are the best to try out what your possible FPS can be. I usually play on my server and I have good fps when it's full, other good servers I visit are LU 15 and DE 75 so try any of those.
  17. nahaz

    DayZ Arma 2

    Nvidia 550+ or 600 series is enough for graphics. i5 CPU. You get more performance per money spent on a desktop rather than a laptop.
  18. nahaz

    DayZ - Screenshot?

    Xfire, Steam. Oh and Fraps that he mentioned.
  19. nahaz

    How could i make DayZ run faster???

    Have a look at my thread about video settings, it might help you: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28160-how-to-set-up-your-graphics-properly/
  20. nahaz

    DayZ Arma 2

    Do you have a budget? Any "gaming" rig would be able to run the game, the question is if you would like to run it at max graphics at a certain resolution.
  21. Your card is very old so I doubt it will run at all, and if it runs it will be very slow and low fps. I suggest you download arma 2 free and try that first.
  22. nahaz

    SE7 Passworded

    I renamed it to SE 7 with a space to conform to the naming standard. If you are in the lobby for 2 minutes (not joining the game, just the playerlist) you will get gicked after a couple of minutes. Can you try and join via the ingame browser instead? To see if Sixupdater is the culprit with your issues.
  23. nahaz

    SE7 Passworded

    I can't answer for sixupdater since I don't use it. You seem to have a few issues with it since it's reporting 9999 ping on all servers. The only occasions my server will be locked will be during the countdown to a restart. Thanks for playing on my server and I'm happy that you like it! It was just coincidence that I saw your post in the newest topics feed.
  24. nahaz

    SE7 Passworded

    I have not locked nor passworded the server at all. Some time ago I was using flood protection in an admin tool that locked the server when there were 5 in the lobby and then unlocked it, but it was buggy so I turned it off. At what time did you see the server locked? I have never had it passworded at all. I lock the server 10min prior to a shutdown to stop people from joining just as it is going down for a scheduled reboot.
  25. nahaz

    Day 1 and onwards. My story.....

    I shoot anyone not responding in chat/voice or if they just look like they would kill you (heartbeats etc) Best thing to do is get a decent mic and use ingame voice in direct chat. You can both scare people and avoid death, but there's ALOT more players out there that just kills you than before the immense popularity hit.