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Everything posted by manbeartank

  1. manbeartank

    DayZ Screenshots!

    really like your pics man but how did u get your clothes like that?
  2. hey fello bandits im very new to this bandit thing like tonight new haha im thinkin i need some guidence haha so just hit me u with some knowledge on how to be a good bandit
  3. manbeartank

    new to this bandit gig

    haha cows
  4. manbeartank

    new to this bandit gig

    thx for the tips CyanidC and iv only got a turban on me noggan (head) didnt no u could get a scarf
  5. ook so i was just on server NZ06 chillin near balota airport under 2 massive pine trees wen nek minut 5 or 6 players ran straight past me like they were so close they coulda walked ontop of me and they stopped like 2 or 3 meters infront of me and chilled for bout 10 min there was a hacker in there cause he spawned a airoplane and tryed too fly off but failed haha and there was 2 bndits and the rest were survivers,i was thinking about revealing myself but was to scared so i just logged off to tll the world my story if u got a say moment story hit us up
  6. manbeartank

    scariest moment ever tonight

    to reckless to haahah jks
  7. manbeartank

    Killing of a Hero

    haha good work,had to be done, and if ya carnt hack being killed by another surviver dayz is not for u ps i dont mean u i mean the fella u killed
  8. manbeartank

    Mt Dew can

    hey guys and gals just starting this topic to see who has found a mt dew can and were? i just recently found one like 5 min ago at electro
  9. manbeartank

    1 lucky night

    me and a mate were walking through a forrest just outside cherno tonight as we were heading towards balota airstrip,before we got to the airstip we heard a car aproch us from the east so we ducked into cover behind the fuel station between cherno and the airstrip a ccar pulled up and 1 surviver jumped out looked around for something then jumped back in the car and took off again.so we continued on our way to the airstrip but we decided not to go into airsip but chill behind it.as we arrived i noticed a drivable car parked out front of the hangers so i puled out me nockies and checkd a bit closer only to find there was a dude drivinig the car waiting for his maten BTW it was really dark at the time,so my companion waited in the bush as i went up and checked it out a bit more,wen i arrived my companion said the second guy was coming my way so i shat me seelf a litte and layed in the grass as he walked ono passed me i just watched him till he headed back to the car were his mate was waiting so i ducked around the corner and hid behind the wall infront of the car as i aimed my FAL-FN/PVS at the driver as his mate hopped in the car i opened fire shooting the driving in the head twice,the passenger suffered the same fate,then i called my mate over and we stole there car and drove of into the night PS.we came aross 4 or 5 heli crash sites on our trip in brumby(car name) and sadley we crashed Brumby into a lake due to bad driving haha please tell me about your lucky experieces what evr they may be
  10. iv already posted bout looking for clan but relised wasnt my thing to join a big clan or group just wanna join a little one so if your a small australian clan/group hit me up plz and thnk u
  11. manbeartank

    Mt Dew can

    aww nice and unlucky about ya mate and i dont even no were green mountain is ey haha
  12. manbeartank

    Mt Dew can

    sorry for bad spelling haha
  13. manbeartank

    Mt Dew can

    i belive they bring good luck de to i was leaving town and nek minut got shot at by 2 snipers like 10 times and they were only just missng me in the end i servived
  14. manbeartank

    What's your longest survival time?

    longest was 7 days till got shot at cherno shop after i said friendly like 5 times haha
  15. hey CB just read wat ya wrote im semi interested but i live in australia so is that a problem? first of all you can contact me on skype um i dont exceed at any skil really im just allround haha um iv been playing for about 3 to 4 months now and i survive usually for about few hrs to a few days im on usually for abut an hr or 2 everyday or second day
  16. hey all my in game name is daniel im just looking for a clan to join up with if anybody looking for someone hit me up plz an thnk u
  17. manbeartank

    looking for clan to join

    thx for the offer BSB Network ill check u guys out
  18. manbeartank

    new to game

    hey all i just brought this game today and im going alright haha im just looking for anybody to team up with and rome the citys and have some fun due to its boring playing by myself if interested add me on skype my skype is danlove2492
  19. manbeartank

    new to game

    ok thx and DRM your probably right hahah