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Everything posted by a_typical_noob

  1. a_typical_noob

    Looking for Matt

    It is the weekend for me, actually. Sitting at the airport, waiting to board a plane headed to Mexico! Going to party on the beach this weekend!
  2. a_typical_noob

    Looking for Matt

    Seeing all of these men inside of one another makes me want to gather the fellas and go for a shirtless horseback ride through the forest again. You in? Good stuff!
  3. a_typical_noob

    Ghoster caught on camera!

    Great video, I enjoyed the editing style and banter between you and Tony "The Ghost" Koni! You taught that little whipper snapper a lesson in the end, which was hilarious. Liked/Sub'd. :)
  4. a_typical_noob

    I find it sad that NEAF is still getting camped

    That tower is nice and cozy. It keeps the rain at bay. Also, once you've looted the joint, you can sit back and let the gear come to you. :)
  5. Actually, while you're not 100% incorrect, the term Ghosting refers to a player who sees another player then logs out of that server, hops into another server, moves to a more advantageous location to kill said player, then logs back into the original server to commit said act. What you've described here is just the intended spawn mechanic. I do not see this changing, so if you keep spawning in front of others and getting killed, you might want to try logging out in less populated/high traffic areas.
  6. a_typical_noob

    Is this fourm a dayz fourm?

    I could have sworn that this was a dating site for mustachioed, burly men.
  7. a_typical_noob

    Need help with Watts

    Did I just witness some kind of strange forum mating ritual?
  8. a_typical_noob

    Just shoot me.

    How do you know they want to rob you? Maybe he just wants a kiss.
  9. a_typical_noob


    Couldn't care less* Have you tried other servers? When did this start happening? Have you tried collecting more gear on another server and then rejoining the server in question? Are kittens ALWAYS adorable?
  10. a_typical_noob

    Playing as a Wolf

    WolfZ. Yes please.
  11. a_typical_noob

    DayZ Mod Hotfix.

  12. a_typical_noob

    When Does The " ALPHA!" Excuse End?

    TL;DR version: OP can't read disclaimers.
  13. a_typical_noob

    44 Tips For 0.44

    Great video! You've got an excellent way with words, as kichi has already pointed out. Sub'd!
  14. a_typical_noob

    What GIF Describes Your DayZ Experience?

    "Oh look, a perfectly good Can Opener in the middle of the street..."
  15. a_typical_noob

    Possilbe Flying in DayZ Standalone

    Edit: It works now! :D
  16. a_typical_noob

    Ladder and stair glitch (not insta deaths)

    I'll bump your thread.
  17. a_typical_noob

    Hackers all over place

    I have yet to come across one hacker. GOML.
  18. a_typical_noob

    Explain Your Avatar!

    Thought I'd create this because some of you have pretty interesting (gr)avatars. And I often find myself wondering why or how you chose them. Just give a brief explanation of yours, why you chose it, what it may mean to you or others, etc. etc. Mine is just a screenshot I took while herding a group of Zeds in Zargabad. I chose it because I was tired of looking at my old one.
  19. a_typical_noob

    blood type is pretty stupid

    In my opinion, anything that makes the game more difficult to survive is an excellent feature. Especially if bandits are dying because of it. :)
  20. a_typical_noob

    How much downloads in the first hour?

    All of them
  21. a_typical_noob

    Can I go down in history?

    What Kichi won't tell you is what I was doing from the passenger seat when this picture was taken. Hint: History wasn't the only thing going down.