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About thatjerkjosh

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    On the Coast

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  1. thatjerkjosh

    Fallujah Reference Map

    Very nice.
  2. thatjerkjosh

    To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.

    Something occured to me, this sort of anti- combat avoidance feature would benefit hackers who can teleport around or abuse the game in other ways. The only time it would make sense to implement it would be in the standalone version of the game which should be locking down the client-side scripting abilities and making the game much more secure.
  3. thatjerkjosh

    To the chumps who Alt F4 and abort.

    I think the best idea is to implement a system that does not allow a player to log out or leave the game once they take damage for a certain period of time. If someone ALT-F4's or uses some other means of closing the game, the character remains in the world for some time (30 seconds to a minute maybe?) since the last time they took damage before they are logged out. This means you can hunt people, and if you land a shot on them you have a small amount of time to get close to them and finish them off. It also prevents people from cheesing the Abort/ALT-F4 to avoid deaths.
  4. thatjerkjosh

    Hacker on US 2246

    A hacker that was using the name of VuleXX at the time was on US 2246 this morning around 8:45 AM Eastern Time. I was playing with my friend Rayne who was in Solnichniy at the time in the quarry area. I was using the name Yankee. I was southwest of his position near the town of Msta at the time. VuleXX teleported near him out of nowhere, shot him with a high powered rifle (might have been an AS50?) and then teleported away. Immediately upon hearing this I lay down prone and Aborted out of the server. Rayne lost all of his gear and this hacker caused all of the players on the server to disconnect, as I refreshed it after leaving it. I only assume he teleported to everyone else to kill them. It went from 16 players down to 2 in a matter of minutes. I implore the admins of the server or those who run these forums to look at the logs, I have tried to be as specific as possible and provide as many details that can prove that this guy was hacking. Hackers really ruin the gameplay for me and my friends and some of them have quit the game altogether because of it. I have high hopes for the developer collaboration with Bohemia Interactive for the standalone version in terms of bringing enhanced anti-cheat and hack detection to the game. Full name of the server and IP to avoid any confusion: US 2246 (v1.7.2.6/Beta 96584) [Regular 3DP:1 CH:0][uTC 0] dayzmod.com - hosted by SoCAUS.net AUS/NZ