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Shadz (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Shadz (DayZ)

  1. Ok so I was flying a chopper with our whole squad then I got kicked? It was just as our guy on the ground was scouting a heli that was on the ground. Opporsite2u killed our guy on the floor then killed me as I was unconscious. Your name will not be forgotten.

    I believe your heli what shot at. I've seen this so many times, the pilot gets kicked before the heli crashes.

    There were a few dirty bandits around last night, I think war has broken out.

    (Peaceful SUV driver)

  2. Hay. Good group of ladz on so far.

    Not sure if there are any problems with the server. I was in three vehicles last night that had a slight bump. When we got out of the car it would blow up instantly. My friend was riding a bike along an empty road and just died. I glitched thru four walls.

    Other than that loving the server.

    P.s I made it to the NW airfield and you were not there Matteh!
