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Everything posted by EliteMonkeyz

  1. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite Clan Recuitment

    Hey guys it EliteMonkeyz here and i am recuiting for my dayZ clan Elite we are accepting noobs and pros we have a TeamSpeak channel on a server so you must have TeamSpeak 3. If you want to apply fill out the application below: Put a (x) by the class you want to be Assault Sniper Medic Engineer Heavy How old are you?: Where do you live?: GMT: In-game name: Why do you want to join Elite: If there is anything else you want us to know please put it down here:
  2. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite Squad Recuitment

    Thunder tomorrow I will add you on. Skype you are deffintly getting in and prysmatic I will think about but it is a 88.5% chance you will get in
  3. EliteMonkeyz

    Recuitment for bandit squad Elite

    Dude its rare we kill noobs
  4. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite squad recuitment

    Hey its me EliteMonkeyz and I am recuiting members for my dayZ squad Elite. We have our own group on TeamSpeak3 and we play on a server called Black Water Chernarus on this server we are Unkown so there for we could be bandits or friendlys some people will never know. The Ip to the server is: Ip to TeamSpeak3 server: Now i you want to join the squad you must apply below. How old are you?: What if your timezone(GMT): How long have you been playing DayZ?: Real Name: IGN: Why do you want to join Elite: Is there anything else you want us to know about?:
  5. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite clan recuitment

    This is a bandit squad called Elite we are recruiting members to join us please fill out the application below. And also you must speak basic English. Real name: Skype name: (GMT) timezone: IGN: Age: Why do you want to join Elite: Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be. Sniper Heavy Assault C.Q.B Medic Engineer If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:
  6. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite clan recuitment

    I haven't been playing for a long time but im really good at dayZ
  7. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite clan recuitment

    We do snipe noobs but it is very rare that we do. we have 18 members. and we only attack medics when we see them helping our enemy and we do have ambushes
  8. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite clan recuitment

    no age requirement but im 12 and everyone else is 13 and up. No we don't have a teamspeak we have Skype and we have about 13 members including me
  9. NickName :Monkey / Elite Age :12 Clan/Community: Elite How many hours per week do you game? :4-10 hours Why should we take you ? :I am a really good dayZ player and i am a really good map tester :)
  10. EliteMonkeyz

    Recuitment for bandit squad Elite

    We are bandits we shoot on site "duh" we are looking to make a base somewhere but we need to find a spot not sure were it is yet :( but yea it is also a new squad and if you want to join I will send you the ip on skype
  11. Fill out the application below How old are you: Your time zone (GMT): Your in-game name(IGN): Your real name: Skype: Why do you want to join elite: Put a (x) beside what class you want to be Medic Assault Sniper Heavy CQB(shot gun,hand gun)
  12. This is a recuitment for new members for a squad named elite we have 6-15 members but we need more members. Classes in need: Sniper Heavy(LMG) Assault(AR) CQB(Shotgun,handgun,SMG) Also fill out the application below Name: How old are you: Time zone GMT: How long have you been playing dayZ: Why do you want to join Elite?: Skype: Also must have working mic
  13. EliteMonkeyz

    quad recuitment for elite

    Ill add you tomorrow when I get the chance
  14. EliteMonkeyz

    recuiting squad members for elite

    Toasty I have added you on skype and conner my skype is ninjaXmonkey117
  15. EliteMonkeyz

    recuiting squad members for elite

    And put what class you want to be
  16. EliteMonkeyz


    This is for my new dayZ squad Elite If you want to join put your Skype name in the comments and I will add you
  17. EliteMonkeyz

    Starting new Clan

    Anyone want to join my new Day Z squad on a server if you want to join inbox me and also my Skype is: ninjaXmonkey117
  18. EliteMonkeyz

    Looking for a small clan or a squad.

    My Skype is: ninjaXmonkey117 If you want to join My new day Z squad then inbox me and ill send you the Ip to the server :beans:
  19. EliteMonkeyz


  20. EliteMonkeyz

    Elite DayZ squad

    This is a post for people to join my squad the name is:Elite if you want to join you MUST have Skype. Inbox me your Skype name and I will add you :beans: :) MUST MUSTmu