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Everything posted by hyperfool

  1. hyperfool

    Tent alternative

    i really like this idea. having cashes they you could bury would be very neat and that would also add a new tool, the Shovel, to the game. when buried, the ground could show a small dirt pile as if ground had just been dug, that way you are able to find it but for those that arnt looking, it would seem almost invisible. i don't even think a model for the box itself would be need, only an icon in your inventory, and a dirt pile for when its in the ground. access could be done by just clicking the dirt pile with a shovel equipped. cool idea =D
  2. hyperfool

    Antibiotics spawn

    i have never ever seen any throughout all of my playing and i have been to several hospitals, i do think that an increase in spawning locations and frequency is required. mainly hospitals and medical tents, but a small chance in supermarkets or something.
  3. hyperfool Performance Drop

    ive noticed mine drop when the ground is cluttered with numerous bodies, for example after a shootout in the church and there are 50+ dead zombies. moving away from the area seems to help but then again it could just be a coincidence.
  4. hyperfool

    Wood in the Woods

    i think that firewood should spawn in the woods. if not Spawn, then add a new tool item Axe so that you can go and loot a tree while u have the axe in your inventory. it just seems like right now im running around a forest dying of cold and i cant find any wood...
  5. hyperfool

    Completely invisible

    I have confirmed the fix posted above. it worked for me at least. Steps i took: Delete all addon files download all of them again from the sweeden server/mirror launch the game without the dayZ mod (remove the -mod@dayz thing) then relaunch the game with the mod. give it a try and see if it works for u too, goodluck!
  6. hyperfool

    Completely invisible

    Just checked by re spawning and it is still bugged, nothing done in the past 12 hours has fixed anything. just an update to let ya know its still happening.
  7. hyperfool

    Completely invisible

    i too have this same issue. i am completely invisible and a friend of mine can confirm this. the only part of my body that i can see is my hands when holding the pistol. i have tried switching servers, and deleting all the addon files, but neither have solved it. anyone know of a fix? would suicide and re spawning work?
  8. hyperfool

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    This started happening to me after the last patch as well, when i first noticed it, it was raining in game. this does not seem to be a system problem, seeing as how playing Arma 2 has no lag or FPS issues at all, only the DayZ mod seems to be affected. i have also tried changing the video settings in game. i have tried all the way from very high to low and i still get the same low FPS lag. the lag seems to be FPS based. when i changed the graphics the game didnt run any slower or faster, it just had the same, low, FPS but with better or worse graphics. also while playing with friends my run speed seemed to be very slow while this FPS lag was happening. they were 2 if not 3 times faster, and yes i checked to see that i was sprinting. goodluck fixing it =D