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Everything posted by acctron

  1. same for me, since about 10 day no heli on our servers. its a new server and in the logs never see a chopper
  2. acctron

    BEC and double restarts?

    i am new in dayz server administration but i think a #restart is only a mission restart not a complete server restart. What i use is #shutdown and then i have heartbeat tool from sigma running to restart the server.
  3. acctron

    Instance ID and Mission

    My Status is still Pending since 6 days now for the first request. 2nd request ist 3 days old. I think the new status is between 3 - 6 days :)
  4. acctron

    Instance ID and Mission

    hm same for me still waiting several day , status was no, have resubbmited a order and hope it will be reviewed soon :)