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About DirtyWilly

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  1. This is one of my favorite decoys for handling those pesky door-to-door Survivors. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39uikbk0uwA&feature=autoplay&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&playnext=1
  2. Unknown player on "DayZ - US 136" at 2:10AM EST 6/27/2012 had invincibility exploit of some type. He was shot with 4 high powered rifles nearly 40 times and continued to take us out one at a time with confidence. Majority of shots were at point blank, he never bled, and best we can recall the bullets never hit him or registered blood hits. Players killed in order: DirtySanchez Marillion DirtyWilly Minister Was a scene out of the Terminator.
  3. Survivors in the wild will instinctively try to run when threatened. To conserve ammo, aim for the legs and let the locals do the rest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGPFHZ2EuM4&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&index=1&feature=plcp
  4. DirtyWilly

    Survivor Hunting Tip #5: Doubletap

    As much as I hate to admit it, I got the AS50 on a backspawn, that is someone trying to spawn in behind me. It was him or me, I saw him spawn in and there was that bazooka. And as karma would have it, some backspawner killed me and took it - which I do have FRAPs'ed. Miss that gun, easily best in game. Is it karma if I never backspawned on them?
  5. DirtyWilly

    Why do -you- kill?

  6. DirtyWilly

    Why I am a bandit (Story)

    You're doing well. Admitting it is the first step.
  7. DirtyWilly

    hunting survivors

    Agree. Sound is HUGE too. One shot might give you a direction, 2-3 and you'll have a good idea of where/range. More for CQB, footsteps, material they're running on. Height is always your advantage. Bullets have ballistics and trajectory. Bigger guns do well more damage and stay truer longer over range. Always factor drop/lead. Unfortunate fact: it's a game. Lag happens, always plan it into your shooting formula.
  8. When hunting the female breed, always check to make sure your prey is dead. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9XomtLEXxU&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&index=1&feature=plcp
  9. There comes a time when the Survivor is just so lost and beyond recovery that you'll be doing him a justice by making it all go away. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYB9BrjHRqs&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&index=1&feature=plcp
  10. AS50, a suppressed 50 cal! It is basically a battleship cannon with a suppressor. Unfortunately, lost it to a dude that spawned in behind us... You served us well AS50.
  11. In situations of extreme danger, the Survivor has been known to mimic its attacker, literally taking on the behavior of a Hopper in order to make his escape. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtOfGzctEY8&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&feature=plcp
  12. To ensure a healthy zombie infestation, be sure to feed the locals. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvgIc5s4HMs&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&index=1&feature=plcp
  13. DirtyWilly

    Survivor Hunting Tip #1: The Barrel Roll

    Haha, thanks fellas, I'll keep em coming.
  14. When hunting survivors in the wild, always be on the lookout for the Crocodile Death Roll. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwrgi7dxaJo&list=PL85A812C77A7D0683&index=1&feature=plcp